Ja’far ibn Abi Talib
Family Life Ja’far ibn Abi Talib had a large family. He was born in 590 CE in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. His parents were Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib (father) and Fatimah bint Asad (mother). Ja’far was also born with brothers and sisters too. They were Ali, Aqueel, Fakhitah, and Jumanah sons and daughters of Abu Talib. Later, Ja’far married a woman named Asma bint Umais. Soon after, they had kids. Their names are Abdullah, Awn, Muhammad, and Na’mi. Although we mostly know Ja’far by his full name, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib but his other name is Ja’far al-Tayyar.
Early Life When Ja’far was a little boy, there was a severe drought in Mecca. His dad, Abu Talib was very poor and could not afford to take care of his family. Then, Muhammad Rasulullah and al-Abbas, Abu Talib’s brother offered to tale care of Ja’far and Ali. Abbas took Ja’far and Muhammad took Ali. Later, Ja’far converted to Islam and became one of the first men to convert. During this time he also married Asma bint Umais and she converted to Islam in the year of 614-615.
The Migration to Abyssinia Soon after, they migrated to Abyssinia in search of a better life and to get away from the harassment of the Quraish. When the Quraish found out about the group of muslims migrating to al- Habashah, they sent Amr ibn al-As and Abdullah ibn Rabiah with gifts to the Negus and the priests to bribe them to give back the muslims. The muslims later chose Ja’far to be their leader and spokesman. Ja’far gave a big speech telling the Negus and his priests about Islam and the messenger Rasulullah. He told Negus about the wrong things they used to do in the Jahiliyyah like worshiping idols and killing people. Then Muhammad came to show them the right way.
The Return Home Ja’far and his wife returned home to Madinah on the 7th year of Hijrah after 10 years in Abysinnia. When they arrived, Rasulullah just came back from the Battle of Khaibar. He was so happy to finally see Ja’far after all this time. The muslims especially the poor people were as happy as Rasulullah to see him because he was so kind to the poor and helpless. Because of this, they called him “Father of the Helpless.” Sadly, Ja’far died at the age of 34-39 in the year of 629 because he was a martyr and died defending the name of Allah. Later, Rasulullah had a dream and saw Ja’far flying around with wings in Jannah. May Allah Bless His Soul.