EXTINCT Extinct is when all animals of a kind are dead. DODO DINOSAUR
These animals died out of natural causes.
ENDANGERED Endangered animals are those who are close to extinction. They need help to survive.
Those species are mostly threatened by humans. TIGER PANDA BEAR KOALA BEAR
POLAR BEARS Because of habitat loss caused by climate change, the polar bear is classified as an endangered species.
TIGERS Over the past 100 years, tigers have lost 93% of their historic range. The population is estimated to number around 3500 tigers, down from around 100,000 at the start of the 20th century.
ENDANGERED ANIMALS IN CROATIA There are many endangered species in Croatia. Such as: the wolf, the griffon vulture…
SAVING ENDANGERED ANIMALS People need to stop hunting animals!And stop building factories and malls by destroying nature! Othervise, we will kill them all.