The challenges of managing Australia’s mining boom Asian Economics The challenges of managing Australia’s mining boom November 2011 Paul Bloxham Chief Economist (Australia and New Zealand) HSBC Bank Australia Limited +61 (2) 435 966 522 Disclosures and Disclaimer This report must be read with the disclosures and the analyst certifications in the Disclosure appendix, and with the Disclaimer, which forms part of it
The world’s economic centre of gravity is moving east Source: Quah (2010)
Transition from west to east has accelerated
Euro area has substantial divergence across nations
United States faces big challenges Source: Bloomberg
But global growth is now driven by the emerging economies
Asia needs a lot more commodities in order to develop Source: RBA
Australia’s export prices relative to import prices at very high levels Source: ABS; RBA, HSBC estimates
Australia’s mining investment boom is the biggest ever, by a long way Source: ABS; RBA; HSBC
Australian dollar around highest during post-float, but not highest ever Source: Butlin (1977); RBA; HSBC
Not all good news … some sectors have to shrink to make way … Source: ABS, Butlin (1977); RBA; HSBC estimates
… already seeing that some are weak and some are strong Source: Datastream
High AUD has put manufacturers under pressure Source: ABS; RBA
Big swing in tourist numbers partly reflects high AUD Source: ABS; RBA
Retail sales have been weak … although household consumption is stronger
House prices have declined modestly, and mostly at the top end Source: RP Data
There is divergence in jobs growth across industries Source: ABS; HSBC
But, so far, the weak sectors have been offset by the stronger ones … Source: ABS
Unemployment rate is low, though it has ticked up… Source: ABS
The divergence across the states is less than average Source: ABS
But more divergence can be expected … particularly in investment … Source: ABS; RBA
… and profitability Source: ABS
Population growth has slowed Source: ABS
… and productivity growth is very weak Source: ABS
Wages have risen ahead of productivity, driving up unit labour costs… Source: ABS
… but the high exchange rate has kept inflation contained
Underlying inflation was low in Q3, after being high in H1
RBA’s inflation forecasts have been lowered significantly Source: ABS; RBA
But some inflation will persist due to lack of infrastructure
Key global risks include bank offshore funding …
… weaker business confidence … Source: Datastream
… low consumer confidence … Source: Datastream
… as well as declining commodity prices Source: RBA