Political Hong Kong government building
+ Low minimum wage Low corporate tax $7.25 $4.17 ≈40% 16.5%
Recent protests Occupy Central ?
Conclusion Temporary Politically, should expand to Hong Kong. $
Economical Environment Opportunities High Income Region $7.80 HKD $1.00 USD Fixed Exchange Rate Economical Environment
Economical Environment Threats Competition High Price for Rent Economical Environment
HK is a suitable environment for Chick-fil-a Conclusion
Brief Overview of sociocultural - What are the costumer attitudes? - What are the tastes and preferences in the Hong Kong
What Language is Spoken? 46% SPEAK ENGLISH 90% SPEAK Cantonese 6.5% SPEAK OTHER
What Language is Spoken?
Tastes and Preferences
Costumer Attitudes
Hong Kong Political Economical Sociocultural
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