Presentation to the UUCF Coordinating Team October 5, 2016 LED Lighting Proposal Presentation to the UUCF Coordinating Team October 5, 2016
Agenda Review Paris Pledge Goals & Approach LED Proposal Overview Vendor Profile Financing Proposal Installation Plan Approval Request
UUCF Paris Pledge - Background Program framework which will enable UUCF to achieve the objectives of the Paris Pledge: Reduce UUCF’s CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030. Our baseline CO2 emissions in 2015 were 108 metric tons. Reach a state of “net zero” CO2 emissions for UUCF by 2050. To reach this goal, the CO2 emissions from our electricity and natural gas use will need to be offset by increased use of alternative energy sources and increased CO2 consumption. Initiate series of emission reduction projects to enable progress toward these goals. Each project will be evaluated on its own merits.
2016 Activities March - Paris Pledge Proposal presented to CT April - Approval Received for full Energy Audit June - Energy Audit Completed and Presented July - LED Lighting Project Initiated Sent RFP to 5 vendors. 2 vendors attended walk through at UUCF. August - Initial Proposal Received from kW Efficiency September – Conducted vendor discussions to tailor proposal scope. Started outreach program to increase congregational awareness. October - Request CT approval to proceed on Lighting
LED Lighting Proposal - Scope Replace existing incandescent and CFL (Compact Fluorescent) lights at UUCF with LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs and integrated LED fixtures. Original scope limited to replacements with 4-year pay back. Added additional lighting replacements for aesthetics and additional energy saving considerations. Added upgraded sensors for restrooms Removed A19 LED bulbs and installation costs. UUCF will purchase separately and install ourselves.
LED Project - Financial Summary Existing Lighting Costs (Electricity) - $877 per month - $10,526 per year Expected Savings from the current proposal scope: $6,285 or 60% per year. Some additional savings will accrue from reduced ongoing maintenance Dominion Power Incentive Payment – $10,430 Additional Grant - $5,832 UUCF Net Cost for Labor & Materials: $49,883. Plus $2K Consulting Fees
Financing Proposal Borrow the 50% deposit that will likely be required (approximately $25,000) from the Custodial Fund. Pay back the Custodial Fund from electric bill savings as possible through the life of the project, which will likely be 4 – 6 months. Pay the balance due (approximately $25,000), plus whatever has not been paid back to the Custodial Fund at project completion, from Reach funds probably in March of 2017 If Reach funds are not available at the completion of the project, borrow from the UUCF line of credit to pay the balance and funds due the Custodial Fund. Pay off the line of credit from electric bill savings until Reach Funds become available. Currently developing a UUCF Endowment Fund Grant Proposal Proposal will focus on Energy Consulting Services costs.
kW Efficiency (KWE) Based in Frederick, MD Current business activities are focused completely on Energy Efficiency Upgrades. Completed Unity of Fairfax LED replacement project in September. for more information.
Installation Plan After commitment by UUCF, KWE will work with us to develop a detailed installation plan. Initial installation phase – We will select fixtures/bulbs that will not disrupt UUCF activities. Subsequent Phases - KWE is willing to work flexibly in stages to complete job, including night shift work.
Approval Request We believe that this LED Lighting Proposal makes sense for UUCF from several perspectives: Will reduce UUCF expenses and pay for itself over the long term. Will significantly reduce our CO2 emissions upon installation. Will show the congregation that UUCF takes environmental and climate change issues seriously and will act in accordance with our Principles and Commitments.
Thank you for your consideration of this proposal!
Unity of Fairfax – LED Project Summary Total cost of LED bulbs and fixture lighting retrofit will be $62,374 minus a Dominion Virginia Power utility rebate of $11,948 and a $6,000. energy efficiency grant The remaining kW Efficiency contract of $44,426. plus a $3,500. fee for the consultant will occur as a Unity of Fairfax bank loan at a fixed rate of 3.5% for five years. Monthly electricity savings from the retrofit will be used to pay off the bank loan over the five years or less. No operating church funds will be used for this project. It will pay for itself. It is estimated that this lighting retrofit will save approximately $1,221. per month in the church electricity bills.