Energy and Sustainability Update February 23, 2017 Energy and Sustainability Update Chris Anderson, Energy Manager
Energy and Sustainability Goals of the Program Maintain Comfort Establish set points consistent with PUSD guidelines Respond to room temperature concerns Reduce Energy Waste Match conditioning times to building occupancy Coordinate shutdowns Audit buildings Track and analyze consumption Save Dollars, Jobs, and Programs Audit bills Pursue rebate programs and rate reduction opportunities
Energy and Sustainability Energy Manager Duties Schedule HVAC equipment according to usage Create set points to maintain comfort while saving energy Respond to HVAC complaints Audit sites Teach proper energy saving habits to staff Commence shutdowns during extended breaks Enter energy bills and track trends Formulate strategies to curtail future energy consumption Create appropriate policies for energy conservation Communicate savings to staff Continue relationships with utility providers Retrieve rebates for energy efficiency work Complete Energy Star applications
Energy and Sustainability District Energy Expenditures Energy Budgets Commodity FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Electricity 3,319,868 2,918,617 2,474,065 2,307,130 3,104,207 3,322,599 Natural Gas 441,400 307,540 260,724 230,869 178,636 220,558 Total Costs 3,761,268 3,226,157 2,734,789 2,537,999 3,282,843 3,543,157 Electricity rates have increased by 22.9% Natural gas rates have decreased by 0.9%
Energy and Sustainability Raw Energy Consumption
Cost Avoidance Through FY 15-16 Energy Reduction Impact Energy and Sustainability Cost Avoidance Cost Avoidance Through FY 15-16 Commodity Avoided Consumption (kWh or Therms) Percent Avoided Avoided Cost ($) Electricity 20,222,578 18.8 4,207,322 20.5 Natural Gas 928,970 35.3 827,302 38.9 Other 186,851 Overall 25.7 5,221,475 22.3 Energy Reduction Impact 2,118 cars not driven for one year 260,629 tree samplings grown for 10 years 10,165 equivalent metric tons of CO2
Electricity Cost of Construction Additional Sites Impacted: Energy and Sustainability Conservation Challenges Electricity Cost of Construction Site Period Compared Construction Activity Change in Electricity Cost ($) Overall Site Change (%) Sierra Madre MS FY 14-15 to FY 15-16 New Campus $78,130 313.0 McKinley New Gym Building, Kitchen, and 5 Classrooms $47,001 116.2 Wilson MS AC Addition to the Gym and Locker Rooms $13,608 2.0 Jackson ES 4 Portables Added $7,346 12.2 Marshall 6-12 First Quarter of FY 15-16 to 16-17 New Gym Building $4,022 13.9 Additional Sites Impacted: Altadena, Burbank, Cleveland, Edison, Eliot, Hamilton, Sierra Madre ES, and Willard
Electric Cost of Chromebooks Energy and Sustainability Conservation Challenges Electric Cost of Chromebooks Site Number of Chromebooks Fully Charged Consumption (kWh per Book) Weekly Cost ($) One Week Break Cost ($) Two Week Break Cost ($) Marshall 6-12 2080 0.454 $198 $272.43 $470.56 Pasadena HS 800 $69 $94.80 $163.75 Blair MS/ HS 720 $65 $89.81 $155.13 Muir HS 620 $51 $69.60 $120.23 Washington MS 552 $55 $75.74 $130.83 One week break defined as 9 days and 15 hours Two week break defined as 16 days and 15 hours
Energy and Sustainability Conservation Challenges David Davis Resignation Accounted for 80% of after hour audits Accounted for half of the shutdown locations Additional Duties California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop 39) administrator California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop 39) manager Sustainability administrator Various duties as assigned
Energy and Sustainability Additional Benefits Secured four solar AC units and accompanying solar panels at no cost to the District using a Pasadena Water and Power grant Secured $142,500 worth of LED lighting at no cost to the District through WeDIP Secured $59,842 worth of CFL lighting, ballasts, and occupancy sensors at no cost to the District through SC Edison Secured a 9.5 cent per kWh Power Purchase Agreement with PFMG Solar
Energy and Sustainability Post Conservation Program Concerns Cenergistic’s Experience Data shows approximately 67% of programs saved more with a second contract with Cenergistic “Just like driving a car, when you take your foot off the gas of the energy program, you’re going to slow down.” “The Cenergisitic program needs constant effort to achieve continued savings.” “In fact, when clients have ended their Cenergistic energy program, energy use has risen.”
Energy and Sustainability The California Clean Energy Jobs Act The California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop 39) was initiated when voters approved Prop 39 in November 2012. Prop 39 provides energy efficiency funds for five fiscal years ending in 2017-18 fiscal year. The District receives funds by submitting an energy expenditure plan (EEP) to the California Energy Commission (CEC). The energy manager was trained in 2013 to meet the guidelines necessary to receive the funds and take on all aspects of the Prop 39 program for the District.
Year Project Completed Energy and Sustainability Completed Prop 39 Projects Past Prop 39 Projects Project Name Year Project Completed Yearly kWh Saved Yearly $ Saved Net Present Value ($) Rebate $ Obtained Muir Exterior LED 2014 121,419 18,213 317,630 20,949 PHS Ext, Aud, Hall LED 156,086 23,413 367,769 12,900 PHS Interior LED 2016 178,290 26,743 417,945 69,539 Totals 455,795 68,369 1,103,344 103,388 Interior LED retrofits have been completed at Muir HS and the Ed Center. Numbers are not available yet. Net Present Value encompasses inflation, energy cost escalation, and maintenance savings.
Energy and Sustainability Additional Prop 39 Benefits As part of the EEP process, all projects done at sites must include an ASHRAE Level 2 audit and CEC paperwork. Completed Prop 39 projects done by the energy manager at Muir HS and Pasadena HS saved the District an additional $83,080. The cost of ASHRAE Level 2 audits for Muir HS and Pasadena HS is approximately $40,080. The cost of having the EEP paperwork completed is approximately $53,000. Both audits and paperwork completed by the energy manager cost less than $10,000 which was covered by Prop 39 funds.
Energy and Sustainability Sustainability Work Started discussions on environmental sustainability in 2011 leading to a reduction in paper consumption Officially, formed a District Green Team in 2014 Completed a Sustainability Circle in 2014 Created a Sustainability Action Plan in June 2014 Completed a national application for sustainability in December 2016 If time permits, will submit Energy Star applications for various District sites in 2017
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