Pick Up Your book and all the pieces you cut out last class Save the sticky notes with questions on them, so you can respond back to the question We are going to put our paintings in our books and make notes about what we did to create that effect
Page 1-5 Leave Blank for now, I still have those paintings, I need to grade them and get them back to you
Page 6 & 7 Page 6 = the sunset Page 7 = the sponge Blending colors, wet on wet Page 7 = the sponge Blending colors, wring out the sponge so you don’t get water all over your paper, careful not to mix colors when getting paint on the sponge
Page 8 & 9 Page 8 – clouds Dab paper when it is still wet to soak up the pigment, add shadows under your clouds with grey Page 9 – rubbing alcohol Spray rubbing alcohol on paint before it dries, the rubbing alcohol dries faster than the water
Page 10 & 11 Page 10 – crayons and watercolor The crayons are wax, so they reject that water color pigment from soaking into the paper where the crayon is Page 11 – rubber cement & sale Rubber cement stops the watercolor from soaking into the paper, once the rubber cement is dry you can put watercolor on it, once the watercolor is dry you can peel the rubber cement off, careful not to smear the paint when taking off the rubber cement Salt – sprinkle sale on wet pigment, it will soak up some of the paint and make spots of a lighter tone or the color of the paper
Page 12 & 13 Page 12 – ripping paper to make mountain range Ripped pieces of paper in the shape of a mountain Painted away from the paper, let dry, repeated these steps to create multiple mountain rangers Page 13 – blowing paint with a straw Adding a droplet of paint to the paper, blew the paint with a straw Any tips you want to add?
Page 14 & 15 Page 14 - Negative painting Painted the background first Painted the area around the object instead of painting the object Why? – creates a high contrast and reverses the negative & positive space Page 15 – masking off area with tape Used tape to create an image Painted around it Let it dry, then peeled the tape up
Page 16 & 17 Page 16 – mixing color X’s Explain why we mixed colors Page 17 – a free paint where we applied the paint blowing, salt, or wet on wet techniques ( we did this at the end of class on the day we learned those techniques)
The two paintings we made when we went outside Page 18 & 19 Plein Air Paintings The two paintings we made when we went outside
Pages 20 – 24 are blank We will add a few more techniques to these pages So keep them blank and we will save it for later Thank you! I know that was a lot, but now you have your very own technique book that you can use as a resources when we start working on multiple day paintings It’s always good to have reminders of how to do things & you’ll be able to see the improvement you make over time!
Studio Time Art Contest $1,000- scholarship Get the paper signed by parent/guardian and bring back Wednesday Create a book mark Paints and brushes are in the back! You have the rest of the class to complete it or you can take it home
Travel Pass or After School Make Up Work Travel Pass or After School
No Exit Pass – clean-up Please put supplies back where you found them Clean up your area Nothing should be on the desk Put your watercolor techniques book you created back in your folder so it can be graded Please put your chair up to help the custodians out Thanks! See you all Wednesday!