Curriculum & Assessment at Applecroft School March 2015
Aims What is the National Curriculum? How does Applecroft approach the curriculum? The old curriculum – practical task The new National Curriculum The new curriculum – practical task Assessment changes Questions
What is the National Curriculum (NC)? KS1 & KS2 The NC provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. It is expected that there is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the National Curriculum specifications. The National Curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge and skills around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons.
What is the National Curriculum? The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils. The National Curriculum forms one part of that? Legal requirement to follow the statutory National Curriculum (Maintained schools) – programs of study – subject and skills content Subjects taught Schools should make provision for PSHE Schools are free to include other subjects or topics of their choice in planning and designing their own program of education * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
What is the National Curriculum? Broad Balanced SMSC Preparation
Varied learning opportunities Our Curriculum Applecroft Subject & Skills Based Creativity Inclusion Varied learning opportunities Challenge
Our approach to the curriculum Rich and varied Evolving curriculum Creative Inclusive High standards Recognition Visits Visitors The arts Music & Sport Here’s a flavour!
“I was so excited being part of the photography project “I was so excited being part of the photography project.” Child working with Iain Green, Wildlife Photographer “Before I went to PGL I thought my favourite thing was going to be all the amazing activities. But now looking back PGL is not all about games. It’s about realising who your true friends are, those who encourage, support and believe in you.” Y6 Child FILM “It feels really good to be on the school council. I like making decisions.” Y5 School Councillor “My child’s confidence has increased massively from the many different activities and interests.” Y6 parent
New Primary Curriculum and Assessment Changes Applecroft Parent Information Evening Wednesday 4th March
New Curriculum - Change The aims of the new curriculum Applecroft’s Curriculum Statement English and Maths changes Science changes Computing changes Foundation subjects changes A broad creative and skills based curriculum at Applecroft continues
Assessment Change Why is assessment changing ? No levels and a new curriculum. Working towards age related expectations (and a stepped up curriculum) Statutory assessment (Reception, End of KS2) – Y2 national internally marked progress test. Schools free to decide on any systems they choose to demonstrate pupil progress year on year. Applecroft working with other Hertfordshire schools to introduce a new system to aid monitoring of progress year on year.
What will not change at Applecroft Assessment for learning e.g feedback and marking, children understanding what they are learning to do, how well they are doing and what they need to do next to improve. Phonics testing in year 1 and year 2 KS2 results in year 6 will continue be reported to parents and published School will continue practice of regular internal assessments to track pupil progress and help planning in order to move learning forward for every child. Parent consultations – discussion of your child's progress based on what your child has learned and what they need to learn next (or what they have not yet learned) An annual report on your child’s learning across the range of the curriculum (a few changes to layout because of new curriculum)
Summary of changes for your child No levels Reception baseline entry test from 2016 Year 6 revised tests at end of year(format and marking unknown) in Maths, Reading and Grammar Internal progress tests for KS1 to include a grammar test Higher attainment expected of pupils in maths and English ( but we continue to teach children what they need to know next – challenged but not accelerated)
Assessment for Learning What am I learning ? What have I done well? What have I learned? How can I improve? What does good look like? How can I improve? Children learn to assess themselves and understand how to improve Teaching and learning adapts to take account of ongoing assessment of children's needs Involves all pupils actively in their own learning Continual feedback between teachers and pupils to enhance learning. Recognises and respects the profound influence assessment has on self esteem and motivation to learn.