Earn 3 Credits including (I) SUMMER 2017 Earn 3 Credits including (I) HORT4053: International Experience in Horticulture Instructor: Dr. Bruce Dunn, 342 Ag Hall, 405-744-6462, bruce.dunn@okstate.edu Course Objective: Develop an understanding for different horticultural systems and technologies used outside of the U.S. Have an increased appreciation and understanding of the culture and the people of Europe. Gain increased comfort traveling internationally. Course Activities: This course will involve visiting various sites in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Visiting gardens, flower markets, and various industries will be an integral part of this course. In addition, there will be opportunity for various kinds of cultural experiences in the countries visited. Locations: Germany: Dusseldorf Netherlands: Venlo, Helden, Ede, Twello, Amsterdam, Aalsmeer, Leiden, Lisse, Rotterdam Belgium: Brugge, Gent, Antwerp France: Paris *In addition to tuition, the 12 day trip would cost each person ~$3,500 plus airfare. This was figured based on getting 7 people to commit. The money would pay for ground transportation (bus with HollandDoor Tours), accommodations, some meals, and costs associated with tours. Scholarship monies are available. If interested contact Dr. Dunn.*