WJEC Eduqas GCSE in ENGLISH LANGUAGE A Guide to the new GCSE Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
A guide to the new English Language GCSE Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Teacher-of-English.com In this guide we will take a look at the new WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language qualification. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Teacher-of-English.com The WJEC Eduqas new GCSE English Language qualification is an untiered qualification. The assessment consists of two externally examined papers, plus a separate endorsement of Spoken Language which is internally assessed. It is a linear qualification so all examination papers will be taken at the end of the course. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
GCSE English Language The qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine grade scale from 9 to 1, where 9 is the highest grade. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language Subject Content To gain a GCSE English Language qualification students must provide assessments in the following 3 areas 1. 20th Century Literature Reading and Creative Prose Writing. 2. 19th and 21st Century Non-fiction Reading and Transactional/Persuasive Writing. 3. Non-exam assessment – Spoken Language. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Let’s look in more detail at the first area of assessment: ‘20th Century Literature Reading and Creative Prose Writing’ This is assessed in Paper 1 or Component 1 of the GCSE English Language exam. Let’s take a closer look at the exam. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
How is Paper One assessed? Section A: Reading one literature fiction text Section B: Writing descriptive and narrative writing Assessment Breakdown A written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 80 marks available Worth 40% of the GCSE In Section A you will be given an extract from a C20th novel or short story. This extract will be from an unseen text (one you haven’t previously studied). This is a test of your fiction reading skills. In Section B you will be asked to produce a piece of creative writing such as a short story. This is a test of your fiction writing skills. The exam will last 1 hour and 45 minutes. It is worth 80 marks and makes up 40% of the English Language GCSE. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Reading (40 marks) (20%) – one single text, 4 or 5 questions. Paper One Questions Reading (40 marks) (20%) – one single text, 4 or 5 questions. This section will test the reading of an unseen extract from one 20th century literary prose text (about 60-100 lines). This section assesses AO1, AO2 and AO4. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Writing (40 marks) (20%) This section will test creative writing through one 40-mark task. You will be offered a choice of four titles giving opportunities for writing to describe and narrate, and imaginative and creative use of language. This response should be a narrative / recount. This section assesses AO5 and AO6. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Now let’s look at the second area of assessment :– ‘19th and 21st Century Non-fiction Reading and Transactional/Persuasive Writing’ This is assessed in Paper 2 or Component 2 of the GCSE English Language exam. Let’s take a closer look at Paper 2. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
How is Paper Two assessed? Section A: Reading One C19th non-fiction text and one C21st non-fiction text Section B: Writing Transactional, persuasive and/or discursive writing Assessment Breakdown A written exam: 2 hours 80 marks available Worth 60% of the GCSE In Section A you will be given two non-fiction texts. These extracts will be from an unseen text (one you haven’t previously studied). This is a test of your non-fiction reading skills. In Section B you will be asked to produce two pieces of non-fiction writing in which you present a point of view (20 marks each). This is a test of your non-fiction writing skills. Unlike Paper 1, the Paper 2 exam will last 2 hours. It is also worth 80 marks and makes up more of the English Language GCSE – 60%. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Paper 2 Section A Reading (40 marks) (30%) This section will test through structured questions the reading of two unseen non-fiction texts (about 900-1200 words in total), one from the 19th century, the other from the 21st century. Non-fiction texts may include, but will not be limited to: letters, extracts from autobiographies or biographies, diaries, reports, articles and digital and multi-modal texts of various kinds from newspapers and magazines, and the internet. This section assesses AO1 (and 2), AO2, AO3 and AO4. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Paper 2 Section B Writing (40 marks) (30%) This section will test transactional, persuasive and/or discursive writing through two equally weighted tasks (20 marks each). Across the two tasks you will be required to write for a range of audiences and purposes, adapting style to form and to real-life contexts in, for example, letters, articles, reviews, speeches, etc. This section assesses AO5 and AO6. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
The final area of assessment is:– ‘Non-exam assessment – Spoken Language’ This is assessed by the teacher and takes place during the course. Let’s take a closer look. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
How is Spoken Language assessed? You will be required to complete one formal presentation or speech. You will also be assessed on your responses to questions and feedback following the presentation or speech. Standard English should be a feature of all parts of your work in this component. This component assesses AO7, AO8 and AO9. Spoken Language is assessed by your teacher during the course of the GCSE. This is a test of your English speaking skills. Tasks will include giving a presentation or speech, responding to questions and using Standard English. You will be awarded a separate grade for Spoken Language. Achievement in Spoken Language will be reported as part of the qualification, but it will not form part of the final mark and grade. Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
Gf Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com
How to revise: *Eduqas website – www.eduqas.co.uk *Past Papers *CGP revision guides – little and often *Lots of reading – 30 mins a day is the absolute minimum. http://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/qualification-resources.html?subject=English&level=GCSE Copyright 2014 Online Teaching Resources Ltd www.Teacher-of-English.com