Curriculum Information Evening Tuesday 10 January, 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Curriculum Information Evening Tuesday 10 January, 2017 Personalisation and Choice within the Broad General Education, from S2 into S3

Introductions Mr Paul Cassidy – Head Teacher Mrs Morag McLoughlan – DHT, Curriculum Ms Lesley Allen – DHT, Year Head Mr Ally MacLeod – DHT, Year Head

Building the Curriculum Broad General Education: S1 – S3 8 Curricular Areas Senior Phase: S4 – S6 S4: 7 subjects (National 3/4/5) S5: 5 subjects (National 4/5/H) S6: 4/5 subjects (National 5/H/AH)

S3 – 8 courses covering all 8 curricular areas & PE, PSE, RME Progression S6 – 5/4 courses (National 5 / Higher / Adv Higher) S5 - 5 subjects (National 4/5 /Higher) S4 - 7 subjects & PE, PSE, RE (National 3/4/5) S3 – 8 courses covering all 8 curricular areas & PE, PSE, RME S2 - 18 courses S1 - 16 courses Senior Phase Choice point Choice point Choice point Choice point BGE

Broad General Education, S1 – S3 Curriculum is organised into 8 Curriculum Areas: Mathematics Languages (English & Modern Language) Religious and Moral Education (RME) - Core Health & Wellbeing (PE & PSE) - Core Science Social Studies Expressive Arts Technologies

Curriculum in S1 & S2 Pupils have experienced a curriculum covering all 8 Curriculum Areas Curriculum has been designed around level 3 Experiences and Outcomes There has been no choice in the courses they have followed

7 Principles of Curriculum Design Challenge & Enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation & Choice Coherence Relevance

Personalising the S3 Curriculum Our curriculum covers all 8 Curriculum Areas Some choice of courses within some of the Curriculum Areas Some courses remain compulsory (Maths/English/Language) Young people entitled to study Core PE, Core PSE, Core RME In S3 8 courses available

Broad General Education in S3 RME, Health & Wellbeing (PE & PSE) are core areas of study English Mathematics Modern Language Expressive Arts Social Studies Science Technologies 1 Elective (personalisation from every course in every Curriculum Area)

Personalising the Curriculum – the Process January Tuesday 10 January: Curriculum Information Evening Monday 16 January S2 to S3 Course Choice begins: Course Choice booklets available Input via PSE/Support from PT Pupil Support/DHT Individual interview February By Friday 3 February: Return of Personalisation & Choice Planner Form March Re-coursing (if required) – pupils interviewed by Mrs McLoughlan DHT/ PT Guidance June New timetable

Personalisation and Choice Planner Form Art and Design Design & Manufacture Graphic Communication Music: Performing Music: Technology PE  

Weightings Weighting 1 Three subjects Important Likely to be taken in S5 Weighting 2 Two subjects Desirable Weighting 3 One subject Possible to choose another subject if necessary

Planning for progression in the senior phase S4 – 7 subjects English Maths Music: performing Physics History Computing Chemistry

Think Carefully!

Think About What you enjoy doing What you are good at Future career choices

Your favourite teacher Don’t Think About Your BFF Your favourite teacher

Personalising the Curriculum Unfortunately not all young people will have their choice of all their subjects, but aim is to maximise possibilities for all pupils Reasons are: Oversubscribed courses Courses which are not viable – small numbers Combination of courses does not fit We will endeavour to meet the needs of as many young people as possible

Personalising the Curriculum To help in this process please ensure forms are correctly and timeously completed. Weightings are important. Pupils who have given weighting 1 to a subject will get priority over those who have weighted 2; similarly those who have weighted it 2 get priority over those who have weighted it 3. Please note, too, pupils who have given a subject a weighting of 3 will get priority over pupils who have chosen the subject but given it no weighting. So it is very important that all subjects are given a weighting. It may affect course choice if forms are handed in late (after Feb 3rd) .

Pupil Pathways Heather S3 Maths English Biology French Modern Studies Art & Design Graph Comm Geography S4 Maths N5 English N5 Nat 5 S5 H Maths S6 AH Alternative Curriculum Wider Achievement Duke of Edinburgh, Bronze Award Leader of the Yearbook committee in S6 Drama Club. Participated in the History trip in S2. Progression Geology and Physical Geography at Edinburgh University

Pupil Pathways Helen Left school at Christmas in S5 S3 Maths English Biology French History Computing Music Geography S4 Maths N4 English N5 N 3 Nat 4 S5 Helen left school at Christmas for a ‘Get Ready for Work Course’ in partnership with Forth Valley College. Helen did well and was offered a Modern Apprenticeship in Hospitality for the following year. Alternative Curriculum In S5, Helen completed units from the Higher English course and Nat 5 Bus Mgt and RMPS. She had work experience at a local primary school for one day per week and completed a transition programme with Skills Development Scotland. Wider Achievement Participated in the History trip in S2. Participated in the school show each year. Progression Helen is now completing a Modern Apprenticeship in Early Education/Childcare. Equivalent of a NC college course.

Pupil Pathways Hector Arts orientated S3 Maths English Art Spanish Music History Computing Physics S4 Maths N4 English N5 Nat 4 Nat 5 S5 H Maths Modern Studies S6 AH Digital Media Skills for Work Alternative Curriculum Volunteered in Strathcarron Hospice one afternoon per week in S6. Studied Creative Writing and Media Studies in S5. Wider Achievement Drama club in S5 and S6. Berlin trip in S5. Personal Development Award for participating in Drama. Progression HND in Practical Journalism at City of Glasgow College

Pupil Pathways Hamish Able pupil – Science orientated S3 Maths English Computing French Chemistry Physics Geography PE S4 Maths N5 English N5 Nat 5 S5 H Maths S6 AH Alternative Curriculum In S6 Hamish took part in work experience for two afternoons per week with Enterprise Rent a car. Wider Achievement Duke of Edinburgh, Bronze Award. Valencia trip in S2 – football. Represented the school at football, basketball and athletics. Sports leadership award. Progression Mechanical Engineering at Heriot Watt university

Pupil Pathways Hermione Pupil with Additional Support Needs S3 Maths English Science Practical Craft Skills Art History Languages Life & Work Award Tutorial S4 Maths N2 English N3 N3 Craft Skills N4 N5 S5 Core Skills Life Skills PE Units Alternative Curriculum One day in college in S4. Two days at college in S5. One afternoon work experience in S5. Wider Achievement Member of Eco Club. Participated in Wednesday sports club in S1, S2 and S3. SQA Volunteering Award – Walked dogs at Bandeath every Tuesday pm Progression Full-time college placement in S6.

Personalising the Curriculum – the Process Tuesday 10 January: Curriculum Information Evening January: Input via PSE/Support from Guidance Teacher By Friday 3 February: Return of Personalisation & Choice Planner form February/March: Re-coursing (if required) June: New timetable To re-cap Tonight – parents info evening Over the next weeks / months…… Hope that the opportunity to see around depts was useful, hope you have a clearer idea of the choices pupils will have and the process we will go through.