3 AREAS of RESIDENCE Sleeping-family sleeps, rests, and baths Living-family relaxes, entertains guest, dines and meets together. Service-food is prepared, clothes are laundered, car is parked, tools
SLEEPING AREA 1/3 of the house size. 2400 sq ft house = 800 sq ft of sleeping space. Quiet part of the house. Plotting the house the bedrooms should be facing the south to southwest take advantage of cool summer breeze.
BEDROOMS Houses are categorized by number of bedrooms: 3-Bedroom - 2-Bedroom. 3 Bedroom homes have the greatest resale. Grouping bedrooms in a same area provide greater privacy.
BEDROOM SIZES The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) recommends 100 Sq Ft. (10’x10’) as the minimum size for a small bedroom. Average size bedroom is between 125 – 175 sq ft. (12’x13’ = 156 sq ft) Large bedroom is over 175 sq ft. (15’x12’ = 180 sq ft)
BEDROOM DESIGN Directly related to the furniture size and arrangement. This easy in CADD. Board Drawings you use CUTOUTS (to scale) to place on drawing.
CLOSETS FHA recommends 4 linear feet of rod space in a closet for men and 6 linear feet of rod space for women. Minimum depth space 24” 30” is desirable. Placed on interior walls for room noise insulation.
CLOSET CONSIDERATION Doors – Sliding, Bifold, Accordion, or Flush – gives you more closet space and is more accessible for wheelchairs. Door Height – 6’8” to 8’. Gives you more closet space
DOORS & WINDOWS Windows–1 window per wall Window-Location is important so drafts don’t blow across bed. Doors-corner of the room & swings into the room. Fire hazard if it swings out. Utilize Space for wall
BATHROOMS All homes have at least 1 bathroom. Ideally each home should have 1 bathroom per room, but not practical Dressing or Exercising room maybe incorporated into bathroom.
BATHROOM- #’s, Size & Locations Very small house – 1 bathroom – centrally located 2 story homes – 1-1/2 baths. Full bath 2nd floor with bedrooms. ½ bath on 1st. FULL BATH – Lavatory, Water Closet, Tub or Tub/Shower combination. ½ BATH – Water Closet and Lavatory
BATHROOM- #, Size & locations SPLIT-LEVEL HOMES – Require 1-1/2 baths. Full Bathroom upstairs – by bedrooms. ½ bath downstairs Ranch (larger) – minimum 2 full baths. 1 by Bedroom separate one for living room area.
BATHROOM- #, Size & locations ¾ bathroom – Basement or attic conversion. Consist of: Lavatory, Water Closet and Shower.
PRIMARY BATHROOM FIXTUTES Lavatory, Water Closet and Tub/Shower Mirror placed above sink. Mirror needs to be well lighted. Master baths – 2 lavatories. Water Closets (toilet) need 30” wide for installation. Water Closets – Should be placed so they are not visible form another room.
PRIMARY BATHROOM FIXTUTES BATH TUB – Most common size 30”x60”. SHOWER – Sizes – 30”x30” to 36”x48”
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