Have you earned an ? Associate of Arts degree, A.A Associate of Sciences degree, A.S. Bachelor of Arts degree, B.A. Bachelor of Science degree, B.S. Yes: you have completed the Core Curriculum. Pick another session. No: you need to complete the Core Curriculum. You are in the right session.
Core Curriculum and Transfer Students Summer 2017
Margaret Fain Director of Core Curriculum 843-349-2410 margaret@coastal.edu KL 106 8:30-5:00pm http://www.coastal.edu/info/students/corecurriculum/transferstudents/
Program Evaluation Form WebAdvisor provides Program Evaluation form. Shows courses that have automatically populated for the Core Curriculum and for your major. You can complete a “Petition for Exception to the Core Curriculum Requirements” to substitute elective courses for Core Courses.
Petition for Exception Courses that cover similar content to approved Core Courses. Courses in the same discipline as approved Core Courses that meet the student learning outcomes. Courses that fulfill some or all of the student learning outcomes for the Core Goal Area.
Core Goal 1A: complete one course Critical Thinking and Reasoning Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: identify arguments evaluate arguments through reasoning formulate arguments for a thesis
Core Goal IA (A): Common Petitions Courses that met critical thinking gen ed requirements at other institutions. Courses that include a significant critical thinking component.
Core Goal IB : complete two courses Critical Reading, Writing, and Information Literacy Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. read for comprehension 2. write for a specific audience and purpose, employing discipline-specific language 3. locate, evaluate, and apply information appropriate to a specific audience and purpose
Core Goal IB (B): Common Petitions Combination ENGL 101/102 course at previous institution. EAP credit at previous institution for ENGL 101 level course.
Core Goal IIC :Complete one or two courses Communicating Across Cultures Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. apply foreign language skills consistent with the level of study 2. identify cultural perspectives through language study
Core Goal IIC (C) (Languages): Common Petitions Substitute two semesters in sequence of a foreign language not taught at Coastal. (Chinese, Arabic, Russian, etc.) Substitute one 200 level course in a foreign language not taught at Coastal. (Chinese, Arabic, Russian, etc.)
Core Goal IID: Complete one course Quantitative Literacy Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. interpret quantitative results in context 2. apply mathematical and/or statistical concepts to solve problems
Core Goal ID (D): Common Petitions Substitute mathematics course or statistics course at a higher level.
Core Goal IIA: complete one course and one lab Scientific Concepts Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. apply the methods of scientific inquiry 2. analyze evidence using scientific methods
Core Goal IIA (E): Common Petitions 3 credit course with lab elements, no stand alone lab. 4 credit course which includes lab. 3 credit lecture, 1 credit lab in science discipline not available at CCU. Science courses that fit the above criteria and come in a ELEC XXX courses.
Core Goal IIB: complete two courses Human and Social Behavior Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. apply methods of inquiry to investigate social behavior 2. analyze and illustrate the connections among individual and group behaviors
Core Goal IIB (F): Common Petitions Substitute an elective course that focuses on individual or group behaviors in society. Substitute an elective course that focus on social issues or behaviors in society. Substitute a 200 or 300 level course.
Core Goal IIB: Take two classes from two different disciplines Humanistic Thought Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. apply methods of inquiry in the humanities 2. critically interpret forms of human expression
Core Goal IIC (G): Common Petitions Substitute 200 level or higher English course. Substitute 100 level or higher History or Religion course. Substitute a course in any Humanities discipline (Classics, African-American Studies, Literature, etc.). Substitute a course with a strong Humanities component.
Core Goal IID: Complete one course Artistic Expression Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. apply methods of inquiry to the practices of fine arts. 2. analyze, interpret, or engage in forms of artistic expression.
Core Goal IID (H): Common Petitions Substitute a transfer ART, MUSIC, THEATRE, or Creative Writing Course. Substitute a DANCE or FILM elective course. Substitute a 3 credit course in any of the creative or visual arts.
How do you petition a course? Talk to your advisor. S/He will download petition and assist you to fill it out. Consult with Director of Core Curriculum if you want a second opinion. Completely fill out the petition, including all supporting documents and submit to the Office of the Provost.
You must include: Current copy of unofficial transcript. Copy of your transfer equivalency report. Your current program evaluation form. Your letter explaining what you would like to see happen. Course description of transfer course. May include syllabus, if available.
Petition is submitted, now what? Director of Core Curriculum reviews the petition, makes a recommendation. Core Curriculum Committee reviews and approves or denies petitions. Provost conducts final review. Student notified of decision. Process takes about a month, depending on when the petition was submitted.