Computer-Generated Sound Final Project Mu-Heng Yang
Computer-Generated Sound Final Project Music Computer-Generated Sound Final Project Mu-Heng Yang
Algorithmic Composition Mu-Heng Yang
StkInstrument Parameter tuning for timbre and volume balance Melody Line (Rhodey) Bowed (Chord Progression) Bass Line (BandedWG) Key Root (VoicForm) Hihat (Shakers) Bass Drum (BandedWG) Snare (Shakers)
Composition Concept Stable v.s. Random Add some random variables in my software. It decides when the notes are played and which notes to play It decides when the drums are played and which drums to play
Song Structure Song structure makes music different from sound Verse Chorus Bridge Use random variable to make verse filled with less notes Enjoy the music (
Machine Learning Crawled online for thousands of songs in MIDI format Process them into useful information key, melody, chord, root, genre, instrument, artist, verse/chorus… Develop algorithm to predict the next note given the current melody lin Enjoy the music (
Conclusion & Future Work It now sounds more like human-composed melody instead of monkey randomly tapping keyboard. It can easily scale-up or adjust to user-input Compose with requested key, genre, instruments, artist style, song structure, and emotion. I’ve implemented automatic accompaniment system using deep learning and would love to import it into this project!