1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 08/07/2010 Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 4. RFB Timelines 5. Bid Evaluation 6. Pricing Schedule and BBBEE 7. RFB submission and contact details 8. Q&A
Welcome and Introduction Procurement Procurement Specialist Legal Department Senior Legal Advisor ICT IT Representative
1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 08/07/2010 Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 4. RFP Timelines 5. Bid Evaluation 6. Pricing Schedule and BBBEE 7. RFP submission and contact details 8. Q&A
RAF Mandate as per Road Accident Fund Act 1996( Act 56 of 1996) Background Core Outcomes Our Vision and Mission RAF Mandate as per Road Accident Fund Act 1996( Act 56 of 1996) RAF Is liable for: A) Past and Funeral Hospital, Medical and related Expenses B)Funeral Expenses, C) Past and Future loss of Support, D)Past and Future Loss of Earnings, and E) General Damages
Background Cont… As an organ of state, RAF’s mandate outlines its obligations towards the state and its people by ensuring we adhere to: Our Vision To provide the highest standard care to road accident victim's to restore balance in social system providing cover appropriate cover to all road users within borders RSA. Our Mission To rehabilitate person injured, compensate for injuries or death and indemnify wrongdoers as result of motor vehicle accident in timely, caring and sustainable support. Our Values Ubuntu Solution Focus Pride in what we do Excellence and Efficiency
RFB Timelines ACTIVITY DUE DATE RFB Advertisement in Sunday Times 6 APRIL 2014 Tender documents on RAF website 4 APRIL 2014 RFB Advertisement in Government Bulletin Compulsory briefing session 15 APRIL 2014 Questions relating to RFB Answers to be uploaded on the RAF website 23 APRIL 2014 @ 16H00 25 April 2014 @ 11H00 RFP Closing Date 05 MAY 2014 @11H00 Notice to bidders JUL/AUG 2014*
1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. RFB Timelines 08/07/2010 Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. RFB Timelines 4. Scope of Work 5. Bid Evaluation 6. Pricing Schedule and BBBEE 7. RFB submission and contact details 8. Q&A
Refer to Scope of Work in RFB Document
Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 4. RFP Timelines 5. Bid Evaluation Process 6. Pricing Schedule and BBBEE 7. RFP submission and contact details 8. Q&A
Bid Evaluation Process 08/07/2010 Bid Evaluation Process Tax Clearance Certificate SBD 2 Invitation to Bid SBD 1 Response to Bid Letter GCC Bidders Supply Chain Practices Declaration of interest SBD 4 Mandatory Questionnaire Preference Point Claim form- SBD 6.1 Declaration of Bidder’s Past SCM Practices – SBD 8 Certificate of Independent Bid Determination – SBD 9 Gate 0 Pre-Qualification Gate 1 Experience of the company Service Delivery: National Footprint Multiple brand offering Technical Analysis 100 points Gate 2 The price will be as per pricing schedule provided and must be in a separate sealed envelope. BEE certificate BEE 10 points Price 90 points
1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 08/07/2010 Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 4. RFP Timelines 5. Bid Evaluation 6. Pricing Schedule and BBBEE 7. RFP submission and contact details 8. Q&A
RAF BBBEE Requirements 08/07/2010 RAF BBBEE Requirements Turnover Classification Submission Requirement Below R5 million p.a Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) BEE Rating Certificate or Letter from Auditors/Accounting Officer to verify that accredited EME and percentage of black ownership. Between R5 million and R35 million p.a Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE) BBBEE Rating Certificate from an Accredited Rating Agency Above R35 million p.a Large Entity (LE) Joint Venture (JV) – BEE certificate must be consolidated Notice from the Minister of Trade & Industry on the accredited verification agencies. List of SANAS Accredited Verification Agencies on behalf of the DTI.
BBBEE Key Sections to complete in SBD
Points Awarded for BBBEE Contribution
08/07/2010 Pricing Schedule Bidders must complete Annexure G: Pricing schedule, which must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope.
1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 08/07/2010 Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 4. RFB Timelines 5. Bid Evaluation 6. Pricing Schedule and BEE 7. RFB submission and contact details 8. Q&A
Any enquiries must be referred, in writing via email to: 08/07/2010 Bid Submission Bidders must submit 2 copies of original file (Original and Duplicates), CD-ROM and Pricing Schedule Original 1 1 Duplicate + + 2 Duplicate TENDER BOX RAF,420 Witch Hazel Avenue, Block F Ground Floor, Eco Glades, Centurion Any enquiries must be referred, in writing via email to:
File 1: Prequalification and Technical Response 08/07/2010 File 1: Prequalification and Technical Response Section1 Name of the document that must be submitted Non-submission may result in disqualification? Tax Clearance Certificate – SBD 2 YES – Please submit a valid and original copy of the certificate. Invitation to bid – SBD 1 YES – Please complete and sign the supplied pro forma document. Pricing Schedule YES – Please submit full details of pricing proposal to RAF on Annexure H. Declaration of Interest – SBD 4 YES - Please complete and sign the supplied pro forma document. SBD 6.1 – Preference Point Claim Form No – Non-submission will lead to a zero score on BEE. Declaration of Bidder’s Past Supply Chain Management Practices – SBD 8 YES - Please complete and sign the supplied pro forma document. Certificate of Independent Bid Determination – SBD 9 YES - Please complete and sign the supplied pro forma document Section 2 Technical Responses (Nomination and/or Payment Platforms) Supporting documents for technical response Testimonials/references Section 3 Company Profile and Supplementary Information Section 4 Signed GCC and SLA which RAF reserves the right on the document.
File 2: Pricing Schedule and BEE Section1 BBBEE Certificate or Accountant letter for SMMEs Pricing schedule 3 years audited/ reviewed financial statements Section 2
Table of Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Background 3. Scope of Work 4. RFB Timelines 5. Bid Evaluation 6. Pricing Schedule and BEE 7. RFB submission and contact details 8. Q&A