Athletic Physical Examination Guidelines for the 2017–2018 School Year All student athlete physicals must be performed on or after May 1st and will not expire until July 31st of the next school year (May 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018) and continue on this cycle. This practice prevents a student from not being able to participate due to an expired physical examination on the date of a game or competition during the school year. See back page for FAQ's
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Who is required to get a pre-participation physical examination each year? In accordance with FBISD Policy, any student that is participating in a UIL athletic sport must have a completed physical examination signed by a physician prior to their first practice or before they can participate in an athletic period during the school year. If my child takes a physical in November or December of 2016 when will his/her physical expire? It will expire on July 31, 2017. My child took a physical in January, February, March or April of 2017, when will this physical expire? My insurance only pays for one physical a year, I just got him/her a physical in September and it is covered by my medical insurance. What do I have to do next year when they need it in August to participate? You can contact your insurance company and see if they will allow you to take it in August and be covered by the cost of the insurance or the insurance co-pay. Some insurances will allow a second one within eleven months. Otherwise, the school district offers athletic physicals with Houston Methodist Sugar Land in May, July and August for just $20 per athlete. What will be the earliest date that the school district will accept a physical for my son/daughter for the 2017-18 school year? Pre-participation examination forms must be dated on or after May 1, 2017 for all athletes participating in a sport for the 2017-18 school year. The students participating in tryouts for cheerleader will need to submit their completed forms within 30 days before tryout practices begin on their campus. A completed physical form is part of the requirement for trying out; this will be their required examination for the 2017-18 school year. Students trying out for cheerleader will be the only athletes allowed to turn in their completed physical form before May 1, 2017. What other changes will the district be making regarding physical forms and other forms necessary to participate in athletics? Any changes to the medical history and physical examination form are determined by the University Interscholastic League (UIL). The UIL medical advisory committee meets two times a year and all changes to the form are voted on and approved by them. FBISD will be making changes to the electronic forms available on the Rank One Sport website for next year. The following UIL forms- Acknowledgement of Rules, UIL Concussion Acknowledgement Form, UIL Steroid Form, and UIL Cardiac Awareness form are combined together on the electronic forms so that they will need just one signature per designated person to complete all four forms. Also, the necessary FBISD forms (Coach/Student Communication Waiver, Emergency Information Form, FBISD Athletic Policies, Student Insurance Notice) are also combined together so that one signature per designated person will only be needed for these forms too if they are completed electronically. Where do I get the physical examination form for FBISD? The form can be found on the FBISD website, located at Go to the Athletics tab, then on the page there is a tab for UIL physical form. Click on the link and it will open up a copy of the form that can be printed off to take to the examination to be completed by the physician. The completed FBISD requires the performing medical personnel to include their signature and stamp their office information in the signature box. Who can perform the physical examination? A physician, a physician assistant licensed by the State Board of Physician Assistant Examiners, a registered nurse recognized as an advanced practice nurse by the Board of Nurse Examiners, or a doctor of chiropractic is required. Examinations by any other health care practitioner will not be accepted. Where can I get my child a physical examination? The athlete may use their own physician, or FBISD offers low-cost pre-participation examinations for all students in May, July and August each year at various dates and locations throughout the district. This list of dates is also on the athletic webpage and has a tab with a link to the information.