Japanese Domination In less than 6 weeks, Japanese soldiers executed approximately 350,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians. Between 20,000 – 80,000 women raped, mutilated and killed. Some historians argue this is one of the world’s biggest moments of human tragedy.
Cruelty the Commonplace Japanese soldiers took great pleasure in committing these crimes. Supported by commanding officers. Bragged and boasted of mutilation of Chinese.
Assault on Humanity Women as young as 7 and as old as 70 were raped, often on multiple occasions. Women were raped in front of their spouses, children, or parents. When soldiers were done raping, they would mutilate the female body.
Cruel Games Attacks on women were supposed to boost morale of soldiers. Soldiers would have killing competitions to boost morale as well. Warning: The following images are graphic and may be unsettling to view.
Decapitated heads on display for Japanese soldiers
On December 13, about 30 soldiers came to a Chinese house at #5 Hsing Lu Koo in the southeastern part of Nanking, and demanded entrance. The door was open by the landlord, a Mohammedan named Ha. They killed him immediately with a revolver and also Mrs. Ha, who knelt before them after Ha's death, begging them not to kill anyone else. Mrs. Ha asked them why they killed her husband and they shot her dead. Mrs. Hsia was dragged out from under a table in the guest hall where she had tried to hide with her 1 year old baby. After being stripped and raped by one or more men, she was bayoneted in the chest, and then had a bottle thrust into her vagina. The baby was killed with a bayonet. Some soldiers then went to the next room, where Mrs. Hsia's parents, aged 76 and 74, and her two daughters aged 16 and 14. They were about to rape the girls when the grandmother tried to protect them. The soldiers killed her with a revolver. The grandfather grasped the body of his wife and was killed. The two girls were the stripped, the elder being raped by 2-3 men, and the younger by 3. The older girl was stabbed afterwards and a cane was rammed in her vagina. The younger girl was bayoneted also but was spared the horrible treatment that had been meted out to her sister and mother. The soldiers then bayoneted another sister of between 7-8, who was also in the room. The last murders in the house were of Ha's two children, aged 4 and 2 respectively. The older was bayoneted and the younger split down through the head with a sword. (...)“ Woods, John E. The Good man of Nanking, the Diaries of John Rabe, p.281.
Nanking Activity You will have the option of reading stories from victims of Biological Warfare, Prisoners of Wars, and Sex Slaves. There will be also be a testimonial from a Japanese Doctor. Answer the questions that correspond to your story in your packet You are free to choose whatever story you would like, just please return it to its correct folder after you are done reading it. Try to do your best to at least read one story from each category. If time allows, do the second one.
Biological Warfare
Unit 731 – “Logs” “Logs” were given: Plague Anthrax Cholera Tested on …. Effects of frostbite Effects of dehydration Effects of malnutrition Transplant of limbs from one person to another Effects of Syphilis and Rape Babies were dissected Young child were used in germs and chemical test Average life span of a “log” is 30 days Vivisection (not knocked out), Lethal Injection, Cremated Employed 20,000 people Open Secret Upon to the end of the war Unit 731 set loose plague rats and infected horses
Prisoners of War
“Comfort Women” – Sex Slaves 400,000 women were raped Comfort Stations (Stall and Homes were they kept women) – as many as 2,000 “The officer shouted, ‘You obey my orders. I will kill you if you don’t.’ He then held me down and raped me. I was a virgin until that moment. From the following day on, I was forced to service sex to 10 – 20 soldiers every day, and 40-50 on Sundays. We were exhausted, weakened, and some of us could not even eat meals. We were in a state of ‘half dead’” Kim Young-shil (Military Sex Slave from Korea)
Organization and Operation of Sex Slaves Evidence Japanese door etchings 10 million condoms manufactured Xinmigao (Drug to treat venereal disease) Potassium Pomegranate – used to wash women’s genitals Japanese Maps Photos Kidnapped or Tricked Procedure at a military sex station Soldier paid a free Soldier obtained a ticket and condom Soldier was admitted “Pretty” girls were kept in front and saved for officers and overnights “Ugly” girls were in the back