Rebirth and revolution East Asia after WWII Ch 34
Big Picture success: Japan, Korea, “Asian Tigers” (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore internal: Confucian, conservative external: Cold War alliances Cold War: Mao’s China, Vietnam War update - 1990’s (larger pattern of rise of Asia)
Japan post-WWII occupation: military disbanded, prisoners released, women’s voting, labor unions created, abolished Shinto, emperor figurehead Constitution written by the U.S. limited military strength
Japan’s growth political and cultural conservative Liberal Democratic Party rule government’s intensional role in economy traditional culture - tea ceremony, Kabuki theater, art as form of nationalism, poetry, education 10% growth rates in 1950’s - through 60’s education, foreign policy labor unions, lifetime loyalty - group mentality
South Korea political stability - conservative strongmen Syngman Rhee, Park Chung-hee (1961-1979) economic growth - started further behind Japan holding companies like ziabatsus called chaebols Hyundai - community focus, family mentality population growth + per capita income growth
South Korea
“Asian tigers” Taiwan - U.S. ally against China until 1970’s, military and technology build up, now under the political control of China Singapore - like Taiwan, few freedoms / tight government controls, larger economic growth, one of highest per capita incomes in world Hong Kong - port city like Singapore, international markets, returned to China in 1997
Chinese Revolution Japanese invasion - hurt Guomindang (Nationalists), helped Mao and Communists 1949: communist victory in civil war, set up People’s Republic of China; Chiang Kia Shek fled to Taiwan appeal to peasants (majority population) - resisted Japanese, land reforms, education, health care 30 year struggle - military and political framework by 1950’s - influential in North Korea, less dependent on Soviets
Mao’s China landowners forced to give land to peasants state planned industrialization (little success) “hundred flowers bloom” - crushed protests Great Leap Forward: agricultural collectives, industrialization via communes, self-reliance population boom, famine, environmental disaster
Mao’s China
role of women Jiang Qing - Mao’s wife, important role historical influence: Taiping and Boxer revolts rights - marriage, education, political leadership
End of Mao’s Rule Cultural Revolution - excite students with Little Red Book and Red Guard, attacked critics Gang of Four - attempted to continue Mao’s policies, removed from communist party Zhou Enlai - relations with Nixon, U.S. Deng Xiaoping - capitalist reforms, 1980s
French Vietnam French missionaries in 17th century (from Japan) Tayson peasant rebellion defeated Nguyen Nguyen Anh returned to power with French support, united Red River and Mekong Delta Confucian traditions vs. Jesuit influence French troops defended missionaries, stayed to colonize location
Vietnamese nationalism anti-Confucian: traditions allowed French invasion Vietnamese Nationalist Party - 1920s, violent uprisings, defeated By French Communist movement - Ho Chi Minh, shifted to peasant support in 1930’s, ready after WWII Viet Minh - national liberation movement, gained areas in North during war, land reform and education
War for liberation Giap’s guerrilla tactics (similar to Mao in WWII) had firm control of North France attempted to take back control, lost military base at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, left Vietnam U.S. put Ngo Dihn Diem in control 1954 -1963, unable to control countryside, growth of Viet Cong U.S. War 1965 - 1975 to stop communist 1980’s - failure of communism, 1990’s opening economy