Annual Workplan 3 Planning with Colleges February 29, 2016 TCAM – VNU-HCM
Discussion – Master Degrees Review of Activities AGENDA Introductions Review of AWP 2 Priorities for AWP 3 Discussion – Master Degrees Review of Activities College Partnerships Leadership Bundle Other Key Activities
Major Milestones of AWP2 Component 1 TCAM established in VNU fully furnished and functioning TCAM Business Plan completed Grand Opening of TCAM High Level Study Tour 2 studies completed – LMNA, Barriers Policy Forum Developed partnership with Niagara College for TCAM Leadership Program
Major Milestones of AWP2 Component 2 Strategic Planning College Partnerships established First Visit by Vietnamese to Canadian Colleges Two visits of Canadian Colleges to Vietnam Environmental Audit Completed DACUM 1 and 2 Quality Assurance Translators Training Program
Priorities for AWP 3 Developing the programs Training management, faculty and staff Focus on enrollment management, student recruitment
Annual Workplan 3 – April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 WBS# Description Date 1110 1111.3 Recruit and contract TCAM staff As needed 1111.4 Procurement of Equipment for TCAMs 1111.5 Technical Assistance to set up TCAM fin., proc., and admin systems 1111.6 Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation Ongoing 1111.8 TA to assist TCAM with ongoing administrative/ management needs 1120 1121.2 Deliver 3 Provincial Workshops on the Barriers Study Sept.-Oct. 1130 1131.1 A Second High level study tour to Canada 1131.2 (LB) Recruit and train TCAM program developers. In Vietnam Oct. 1131.3 Provide TA to plan and host an Annual Policy Forum Dec. 2016 1210 1211.1 (LB) Technical Mission for TCAM Leadership to Canada. April 4 – 16 1211.2 (LB) Develop program framework for TCAM programs. In Vietnam June 12 – 25 1211.3 (LB) Train TCAM program development staff. In Canada July 13—29 1211.4 - LB Train TCAM staff in Facilitation Skills. In Vietnam 1230 1231.1 Support 29 colleges to develop COP Jan.- Mar. 1330 1331.1 Technical Mission to support provincial human resource planning. 2110 2111.3.2 Provide DACUM certification for college and TCAM staff May 2111.4 (CP) Technical mission for 3 college manages for enrollment mgmt May CNA, NC; Nov. DC 2111.5 (CP) Industry involvement in Colleges activities, including PACs (CNA lead) Jun., Oct. 2121.3 (CP) Environmental experts to provide ongoing environmental sustainability May-Jun; Jan.-Mar. 2121.5 Ongoing support to Access/Gender Committee. 2121.6 (CP) Employability Skills expert will work with colleges on curriculum Sept., Dec. 2121.9 (CP) Develop Proposal for Program Approval Jun. 2121.10 (CP) Develop the Curriculum in Vietnam and in Canada Jun. – Mar. 2121.11 (CP) Upgrade faculty, including technical skills, teaching methodology Oct.-Nov.(BT); Mar. (HG) 2121.12 (CP) TA for Student Recruitment for the programs including social marketing Jan. – Mar. 2130 2131.1 (CP) QA experts develop the Program Level QA system plus KPI Jul., Dec. 2131.4 (CP) QA expert and colleges do Institutional development in QA for colleges 2210 2211.1 (CP) TA (C&V) promote Articulation between Viet colleges and universities. Sept. /Oct. 2310 2311.1 Develop Master Trainer Program for Faculty 2321.2 Implement Scholarship program including upgrading skills for faculty
2311.1 Master’s Degrees Feedback from Rectors on “Notice to Prepare” Discussion of Options SWOT Analysis of Options
Annual Workplan 3 – April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 College Partnerships Annual Workplan 3 – April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 WBS# Description Date 2111.4 (CP) Technical mission for 3 college managers for enrollment mgmt May CNA, NC; Nov. DC 2111.5 (CP) Industry involvement in Colleges activities, including PACs (CNA lead) Jun., Oct. 2121.3 (CP) Environmental experts to provide ongoing environmental sustainability May-Jun; Jan.-Mar. 2121.6 (CP) Employability Skills expert will work with colleges on curriculum Sept., Dec. 2121.9 (CP) Develop Proposal for Program Approval Jun. 2121.10 (CP) Develop the Curriculum in Vietnam and in Canada Jun. – Mar. 2121.11 (CP) Upgrade faculty, including technical skills, teaching methodology (CNA lead) Oct.-Nov.(BT); Mar. (HG) 2121.12 (CP) TA for Student Recruitment for the programs including social marketing Jan. – Mar. 2131.1 (CP) QA experts develop the Program Level QA system plus KPI Jul., Dec. 2131.4 (CP) QA expert and colleges do Institutional development in QA for colleges 2211.1 (CP) TA (C&V) promote Articulation between Viet colleges and universities. Sept. /Oct.
Study Tours/Technical Missions Annual Workplan 3 – April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 WBS# Description Date 1131.1 A Second High level study tour to Canada Sept.-Oct. 1211.1 (LB) Technical Mission for TCAM Leadership to Canada April 4 – 16 1211.3 (LB) Train TCAM program development staff. In Canada July 13—29 1331.1 Technical Mission to support provincial human resource planning. Oct. 2111.4 (CP) Technical for 3 college managers for enrollment mgmt. May CNA, NC; Nov. DC
Annual Workplan 3 – April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 Leadership Bundle Annual Workplan 3 – April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 WBS# Description Date 1131.2 (LB) Recruit and train TCAM program developers. In Vietnam Oct. 1211.1 (LB) Technical Mission for TCAM Leadership to Canada. April 4 – 16 1211.2 (LB) Develop program framework for TCAM programs. In Vietnam June 12 – 25 1211.3 (LB) Train TCAM program development staff. In Canada July 13—29 1211.4 - LB Train TCAM staff in Facilitation Skills. In Vietnam
Feedback, Questions, Concerns Upcoming Events Other Feedback, Questions, Concerns Upcoming Events DACUM 2 Seminar on CBE