D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific Japan’s motivation: Build an empire to exploit its labor, resources, and markets. Name of Empire: Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Slogan: “Asia for Asians”
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific 1) 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria. Coal reserves.
The Pacific Theater Coal 1) Kor. Jap. For.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific 2) 1937 – Japan invades China. Asia for Asians?
The Pacific Theater Man. 2) Kor. Jap. Nanking For.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific 3) 1940 – Japan joins the Axis and invades French Indochina. Why join the Axis? 1) Similar ideas about govt. 2) Common enemies. 3) Axis is winning!
The Pacific Theater 3) Axis! US Man. Kor. Jap. Chi na GB GB For. US Fr. US GB Neth. GB Aus.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific 4) 1941 – U.S. moves to slow Japan’s momentum. a) FDR moves West Coast naval fleet to Pearl Harbor.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific b) Congress passes Lend-Lease Act. FDR – “Arsenal of Democracy” c) Trade embargo against Japan. 80% of oil.
The Pacific Theater Man. 4) Kor. Jap. Chi na For. Indo. Oil
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific Gen. Hideki Tojo Oct. 1941 – Prime Minister of Japan.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific Hirohito Emperor of Japan from 1926-89.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific 5) Dec. 7, 1941 – Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. Why? War with U.S. is inevitable. Strike a crippling blow.
D. Events Leading to War in the Pacific Results? ≈2500 killed. 8 battleships sunk. U.S. aircraft carriers survive. Dec. 8, 1941 – U.S. declares war on the Axis Powers.
The Pacific Theater Man. Kor. Jap. Chi na For. Indo. 5)
The Pacific Theater US Man. Kor. Jap. Chi na Bur. HK For. US Indo. Phil. Mal. E. Indies N. G. Aus.