Journalism of Kazakhstan in the Global and Eurasian Context Prof. Galiya Ibrayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 9 November 2014 The Aleksanteri-Institute (Finnish Centre for Russian and Eastern European Studies) at the University of Helsinki
Defining Components of Journalism Development in Kazakhstan Development of modern journalism in Kazakhstan is defined by the following components: government, which fulfills its political, and social goals; businesses, which pursue economic interests; society, which defends public interests by means of independent and governmental mass media. Factor of national identity.
Role of Mass Media Mass media has important role in formation of social consciousness. Mass media forms democratic values and principles, democratic political culture. Mass media helps to achieve national consolidation of citizens and introduces global values.
Structure of Mass Media The modern structure of mass media in Kazakhstan was formed as a result of privatization, division of property, economic crisis and later economic growth. Mass media can be characterized as a product of society, which gradually overcomes various challenges of the transition period.
Stages of Mass Media Establishment 1985 – 1996 – beginning of “glasnost” period, liberation from ideology of governmental structures, creation of a political press and non-governmental TV channels; 1996 – 2005 – establishment of periodicals and diversification of coverage, expansion of the freedom of speech and press, new law regulating mass media in Kazakhstan, time of financial hardships for many media outlets 2005 – now (2014) – creation of financial foundation for an independent informational market, politicization of mass media, tendering radio and TV frequencies, strengthening of mass media role in election processes, influence of financial moguls on mass media.
Evolution of Mass Media in Kazakhstan
Share of Governmental and Non-governmental Mass Media
Foreign Mass Media in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan hosts 2392 foreign mass media. There are 2309 newspapers and magazines; 83 TV and radio programs; nearly 1000 satellite TV channels; 80 representatives of foreign Mass Media. Among them 90% broadcast in Russian, 5% in English, 5% in other languages.
Online media Kazakhstan aspires to become an informational society and develops various economic and political programs, which stimulate development of online media, improvement of provided services and conditions of general access to the Internet in rural areas 2002, the number of users 4% 2014 - 12 million population of KZ 2015 - the project "From the optics in the village." The speed of the Internet by 2017 will be 39 megabits per second is actively developing mobile Internet, – 570 centers
Online Media About 16% of Kazakhstani citizens are interested in political and economic news, about 50% read online publications; Russian web-sites are the most popular, although some Kazakh sites are also recognized; About 60% of internet users visit Russian websites; 17% English language websites.
Future of Journalism in Kazakhstan Intrusion of foreign news broadcasting; Development of new informational technologies which will greatly change the nature of journalistic profession (education program “Bolashak” for Journalists); Development of online kazakh language journalism (blogs, sites…)
Factors Influencing Creation of Media Landscape Political and businesses influences; Development of informational technologies; Global electronic interaction.
Research of Condition of the Media Landscape in Kazakhstan
Thematic Justification Increasing role of information communication technologies; Main field of functioning of information is media landscapes and media technologies. i.e. everything related to recording, storing and transmitting of information; There are different levels of media landscape – level of a single institution or a City, Region, Country, Nation or a Global, Eurasian level; Optimal use of informational communication technologies give opportunities for governmental bodies to effectively manage with the government and society. That is the reason why development of media landscape is one of the priorities of public policy.
Purpose and objectives of research Purpose – define trends and potential of development of media landscape in Kazakhstan from the position of governmental regulation policy in conditions of formation of informational society. Цель - определить тенденции и потенциал развития медийного ландшафта в Казахстане с позиции государственной политики регулирования в условиях формирования информационного общества. Research objectives: Define the term “media landscape”; Modern media structure of Kazakhstan; Trends of development and establishment of modern media landscape of Kazakhstan; Practical recommendations for enhancement of media landscape of Kazakhstan.
Research hypothesis Modern condition of national media landscape is defined by the level of its integration into regional and international media landscape; pace of development of information and communicative technologies of media fields; legislative conditions of mass media; level of governmental regulation of media landscape in Kazakhstan. Level of information accessibility and competition among mass media, absence of pressure on mass media and journalists are conditions of information distribution which influence formation of democratic mindset and citizen’s actions. Media landscape in Kazakhstan is the main communicator between government and society which defines effectiveness of public policy and influences the development level of civic society.
Research methodology Research methodology includes use of systematic , structural and functional approaches, comparative and informational analysis. Expert survey (questionnaire and interviews) was chosen by means of spot analysis, which being a method of qualitative research allows to define social diagnosis.
Research stages and sample 25 non-standardized interviews and 50 standardized interviews were conducted. Then all the collected recording interviews were compared and analyzed. The respondents in the first stage were representatives of national and regional media (managers, editors and journalists). 2 stage In the second phase of the study were invited to participate in the survey 58 experts. Selection was directly related to expert’s relation to the subject of the study and deep understanding of all its aspects. As one of the distinguishing features of media landscape of Kazakhstan is the coexistence of mainly Kazakh and Russian language media, the experts were divided into two groups based on language (Group 1 and Group 2).
Research Results
Results of Content-Analysis
Ranking of countries according to the level of development of media space 1 st 2-d 1 place Russia 2 place Kazakhstan 3 place Ukraine 4 place Belarus 5 place Azerbaijan 6 place Kyrgyzstan 7 place Armenia 8 place Turkmenistan 9 place Uzbekistan 1- Russia 2- Kazakhstan 3- Ukraine 4- Belarus 5- Armenia 6- Azerbaijan 7- Kyrgyzstan 8- Uzbekistan 9-Turkmenistan
The degree of integration of media space Kazakhstan in the Eurasian space 41.2% - average; 23.5% - both not very high; 23.5% - as high; 8.8% - as low; 2.9% were undecided 47.4% - average; 23.7% - both not very high; 5.3% - as high; 15.7% - as low; 7.9% were undecided
The degree of integration of Kazakhstan into the global information space 37.1% - average; 20% - high; 14.3% - not very high; 14.3% - low; 14.3% - undecided 18.4% - average; 5.3% - high; 7.8% - not very high; 28.9% - low; 10.7% - undecided.
Evaluation of Current Condition of Media Landscape by Experts in Kazakhstan
Evaluation of current condition of media landscape by experts in Kazakhstan
Level of Criticality of Kazakhstani Mass Media in View of Experts
Level of criticality of Kazakhstani mass media in view of experts
Government and mass media Answers to question: “Who controls media in Kazakhstan?”
Government and mass media Answers to question: “Do you face any problems in publication of materials on controversial topics?”
Government and Mass Media Most acute themes for experts are:
Factors which Block Development of Media Landscape
Factors which Block Development of Media Landscape
Trends as Viewed by Experts Among the positive trends of developing a system of mass media in Kazakhstan experts have noted: Increase in number of non-governmental mass media; Best condition among other republics in Central Asia (in terms of freedom of speech); Media landscape in general corresponds to the level of economic and political development of Kazakhstan; Existence of a talent pool; Good technical base; Globalization; Correlation of socio-economic trends of country’s development with trends of mass media development; Increase in number of press and electronic mass media in Kazakh; Change in mass media technology; Financial support of Kazakh mass media; Development of network communications.
Research stages and sample 25 non-standardized interviews and 50 standardized interviews were conducted. Then all the collected recording interviews were compared and analyzed. The respondents in the first stage were representatives of national and regional media (managers, editors and journalists). 2 stage In the second phase of the study were invited to participate in the survey 114 experts. Selection was directly related to expert’s relation to the subject of the study and deep understanding of all its aspects. As one of the distinguishing features of media landscape of Kazakhstan is the coexistence of mainly Kazakh and Russian language media, the experts were divided into two groups based on language (Group 1 and Group 2).
Trends as Viewed by Experts Among the negative trends experts noted: Undisclosed censure; Limitation of freedom of speech; Low competition; Pressure on journalists caused by administration of mass media outlets; Informational vacuum (absence of new information); Frequent interference of governmental agencies into the work of mass media; Low level of democracy in the country; Low level of mass media influence on formation of public opinion; Absence of legislative mechanisms which truly rights of journalists, i.e. , a unified document regimenting rights and activities of journalist.
Trends as viewed by experts Among the negative trends experts noted: Small number of professional associations; Low creative potential; Low level of journalistic professionalism; Insufficient financial input in mass media; Low pace of introduction of modern technologies; Absence of Kazakh programs with national features.
Recommendations Steps necessary for the improvement of conditions for establishment of media landscape in Kazakhstan: Cooperate with EU, Russia and other countries in spheres of legislative regulation of informational sector; Create conditions for development of telecommunication infrastructure; In coordination with journalists develop legislative, financial and conceptual principles of establishing Kazakhstani television; Improve current laws in accordance to realities of national media market and create equal conditions for truthful competition among participants of the market; Encourage modernization of technical foundation of mass media industry and introduction of new technologies; Introduction of proved principles of professional and corporate ethos for journalists and mass media outlets Increase professional level of mass media journalists by means of creating educational systems and training of administrative and journalistic staff members; Activate works of integrating Kazakhstan into global legislative and informational systems.
Thank you for your attention!