ISS – International Space Station The largest space craft
ISS PROJECT 1. preparing a chart on ISS with picture and facts written using speech bubbles 2. presenting information on 10 most important satellites with pictures in the form of either a booklet or a calendar. 3. preparing ISS Model.
The International Space Station (ISS) The ISS is the largest satellite orbiting the earth and is used as an observatory and research centre for life in space. Launched :1998 Altitude :340 km. The International Space Station (ISS) is a joint project of five space agencies The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States) Russian Federal Space Agency Russian Federation. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Japan), The Canadian Space Agency (Canada)and The European Space Agency (Europe).
Hubble space telescope The Hubble is a space telescope. It brought the Beauty and mystery of Space To the people. It is used for Astronomy research. Mainly used to observe the most distant stars, galaxies and the planets in our solar system. Launched in 1998 Altitued:569 km
Galaxy 14 Galaxy 14 is an American communications satellite . It helps to provide entertainment and information services of TV channels to North and South America. Launch Date: 2005-08-13 Launch Vehicle: Soyuz FG Mass: 2100.0 kg Altitued:35780 km
GOES 12 The Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite (GOES) 12 is an American weather satellite. It captures images that help to study the environment and forecast the weather. Launched 2001 Altitued:35790 km
The moon Luna The moon is the only natural satellite orbiting the earth. Its prominence in the sky and its regular change of phases makes the moon an important influence on the earth. It is responsible for the tides in the oceans. Launched:4.5-billion BC Type : Natural Altitude : 400000 km
KH-13 KH-13 – The KH-13 belongs to the group of Key Hole satellites. This is similar to the Hubble Space Telescope but with changes to suit the purpose. It is used as a spy for military purposes such as locating a spy or a strategy followed. Launched -1999 Altitude – unknown
GPSIIR-11 The Global Positioning System (GPS) IIR 11 was launched by the US Air Force. It has been designed to provide positioning, navigation and timing services to the military and the general public. Launched :2004 Altitude: 20200 km
Golden eye Type : Use for weapon If the world is attacked This satelite can help us. Launched : 1995 Altitude : unknown
NOAA 17 The NOAA 17 is a weather forecasting satellite . It spins around the globe spotting developing weather patterns. Launched :2002 Altitude: 824 km above the Earth
Landsat 7 The Landsat 7 is the most accurate earth observing satellite. It scans the entire earth and gives cloud free images that has helped to map the world. Launched : April 15, 1999 Orbit height: 705 km