Reablement Dublin North Central Barbara Rooney Physiotherapy Manager Dublin North Central Reablement Pilot Programme implemented in 2013 became an established service in 2015. Winner of Irish Healthcare Award 2015. Special Acknowledgements: Dr Austin Warters HSE Manager for Older Persons Dublin North Central Barbara Mullally Senior Physiotherapist, Coordinator Reablement, Dublin North Central February 2016
What is Reablement? Reablement is also known as “restorative care”. Deployed in many countries across Europe, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. “Restorative home care services are short-term and aimed at maximizing a person’s ability to live independently. They are multidimensional and often include an exercise program to improve strength, mobility, and balance.” (Burton et al. 2013)
Outcome Measures Outcome measurement assessment tool used: Functional Assessment of Care Environments (FACE). Assessment completed pre and post reablement. Provides a rating score on 9 domains: for example Self Care, Safety and Risk, Mobility. Sets goals important to the service user. Service provides support at home for up to a maximum of 6 weeks Input from OT, PT, PHN as required Linked to Telecare service.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Inclusion criteria: must be aged 65 years or older; residing in Dublin North Central; submitted a new homecare package/home support application. Exclusion criteria: if a home care package is already in place; receiving palliative or end of life care; unstable medical conditions.
Analysis and Conclusion Participants were predominantly female (72.9%), living alone (71.8%) and using mobility aids (76.5%). Following the programme, 20 participants (24%) required no ongoing home care and 52 participants (61%) had decreased the level of care required –see pie chart following Improvement in measures of service user’s independence. Reduction in the need for on-going home care.
Ongoing Home Care required following 6 weeks of Reablement
References Reablement United States: “Results suggest that the restorative care model offers an effective approach to reducing the occurrence of avoidable readmissions.” (Tinnetti et al 2012- Non-equivalent control group) United Kingdom: “Re-ablement was associated with a significant decrease in subsequent social care service.” (Glendinning et al. 2010- Non- equivalent control group) Australia: “Participation in a short-term restorative programme is effective in reducing the demand for ongoing home-care services.” (Lewin et al 2013- RCT)