21st Century Pilot for System Learning “Inquired and Wired!” Inquiring about Blended Learning K-12
Welcome! Please login. Additional support for this step is available! The 21st Century Pilot for System Learning in Hastings-Prince Edward District School Board is underscored by… Our ongoing “pursuit of optimized engagement and achievement for the 21st Century” Our ongoing commitment to innovation and creativity in teaching and learning that will lead to a transformation in the relationship between student, teacher, and curriculum Our understanding that education is evolving: 21st Century Schools
Minds On! With a colleague that you have newly met, discuss this question… In what ways does technology currently impact: Instruction and Assessment? The learning environment? The students in your classes?
The 21st Century Pilot for System Learning Pilot objectives: to gain insight into the role of technology in enriching teaching practice and in strengthening student engagement, learning, and achievement to understand the various ways that students demonstrate competencies associated in professional dialogue and research with “21st Century skills” to determine what is required to move innovative practice in teaching and learning forward across districts and the province
The 21st Century Pilot for System Learning Pilot Guidelines: supports teacher release time, professional learning (including conferences), resource development, and research “While technology…[is] an active component of…innovations in teaching and learning practices, it is clear that the prime innovation focus is where it needs to be – on…the instructional core [the relationship between student, teacher, and curriculum].”
The 21st Century Pilot for System Learning Our inquiry question: What impact will collaborative teaching and learning using the provincial LMS have on student engagement and achievement K-12 in HPEDSB? How will blended learning impact instruction? How will blended learning reflect and compliment the implementation of the Ontario curriculum?
Today’s Work Using the planning organizer provided throughout the day, capture and articulate the role of teacher, student, and curriculum in your future exploration of blended learning and LMS resources By the end of the day, commit to the task that you will try with your students. This task is the outcome of what you know about your role, your learners, your curriculum, and LMS tools and resources Take a moment and record some of your initial thoughts about the students with whom you will work throughout the pilot on the organizer.
Going Deeper into Blended Learning Watch the video and, in your table groups, discuss: one piece of information shared in the video that intrigued, interested, or inspired you one question that you have about the information in the video What is blended learning?
A Brief Overview of Blended Learning: Provincial Perspectives Welcome to David T. Miller, IT and Digital Learning Consultant! Highlights of Mr. Miller’s profile… 31 years teaching, 29 years blended teaching put first course fully online 2001 writer of 7 fully online courses co-author and IT Consultant of Mathematics of Data Management Setting the Context: some background on blended learning, the impact of blended learning across the province
Hands-On Learning LMS 101: David Miller guides us through the tools and resources of the LMS…time to explore the possibilities!
Collecting Our Impressions Think about this question from the “Teacher” section of the planning organizer that you were provided: Which tools of the LMS will I use to enhance my instructional practice? Please record your response, at this stage in your learning, to this question on a sticky note. Place your sticky note on the “parking lot” before enjoying your lunch break!
Voices from the Field View the videos of blended learning in action. In your table groups discuss… What is the teacher doing (what do we see and hear)? What are the students doing (what do we see and hear)? What do you notice about the classroom environment?
Voices from the Field: HPEDSB Experience Welcome to Tawnya, Brian, Terry, and Jay! Tell us about your experiences with blended learning… Who? With which students are the resources being used? What? What tools are being used? Why? The motivation for using the tools? Impact? What impact is the use of the tools having on teaching and learning?
Voices from the Field: HPEDSB Experience Students and Teachers Based on the ideas you heard from your colleagues, add to the “Students” and “Teachers” section of your organizer Curriculum Resources available to you through HPEDSB Curriculum connections and the LMS
Team Planning Time Working with your colleagues, further explore the resources and ideas introduced today Come to a conclusion about the “Task” that you will undertake as part of your involvement in this pilot (the centre of the organizer)
Monitoring Our Progress Throughout the pilot (after collaborative work, conference attendance, a lesson or activity, etc.): Where did my/our students begin in terms of engagement and achievement? How has the instruction/assessment practice that was facilitated by LMS resources impacted student learning? How do I know? How has the instruction/assessment practice that was facilitated by LMS resources impacted student engagement? How do I know? What areas for further student and educator learning regarding the role LMS resources can we explore?
Final Messages Don’t forget about the conference! Commit to a date when you and your colleagues will meet (with release time) to work together further on your task. This time can be used for co-planning, or for visiting each other’s classrooms. Curriculum Coordinator support will be provided Don’t forget about the conference!