Vikki Costa, Professor California State University Fullerton What does a 21st Century Teacher . . . Teaching 21st Century Students . . . in a 21st Century Learning Environment look like? And, how shall we get there? Vikki Costa, Professor California State University Fullerton
Reform in Japan Education Equip students with skills . . . To proactively pursue their studies in line with their own individual dreams and goals. That enable them to become shapers of society. That enable them to go out into the unpredictable future and find solutions for problems that have no immediate answers. Excerpted from Plan for Implementing High School and University Articulation Reforms, Central Council of Education, MEXT, 2014
Commercial: Are You In? I am no ordinary student. I control technology that's reinventing how education works. I'm creating a network I'll use my whole career. I don't fear the new economy - I am the new economy.
Who is the 21st Century Learner?
What are Characteristics of 21st Century Students?
21st Century Students
What are Characteristics of 21st Century Classrooms?
The 21st Century Classroom: DIGITAL AN GLOBAL
The 21st Century Classroom: GREEN Social and Ecological Responsibility
What are Characteristics of 21st Century TEACHERS?
International Society of Technology Education Technology Standards - Teachers Design, develop, digital age learning experiences and assessments. Model digital age work and learning. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Engage in professional growth and leadership.
What are Characteristics of 21st Century Learning?
3 Eras of Education AGRARIAN AGE INDUSTRIAL AGE INFORMATION AGE Horse and carriage Preparation for local jobs, farming Basic literacy Few books and print materials Knowledge is static Automobile Preparation for mobility, industry Advanced literacy Substantial books and print materials Knowledge is static Internet Preparation of knowledge workers Life-long learning Digital texts/tools Knowledge is kinetic
21st Century Knowledge Create from raw materials REMIX MASHUP What does it mean to create? What defines “original”? CONSTRUCT Create from raw materials REMIX Rearrange the original MASHUP Fuse disparate elements
What are characteristics of 21st Century Skills ?
21st Century Skills Partnership for 21st Century Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy NOTE: Not all students are digital natives, and all need to develop their "academic" digital skills. Partnership for 21st Century Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy Environmental Literacy
How will YOUR students do these? Communicate - means of conveying information and connecting with others Collaborate - the act of working with someone to create or produce something Think Critically - analysis and evaluation in order to form a judgment or solve a problem Create/Remix/Mashup – development of new and improved products and ideas
And, How Do We Get There?
7 Characteristics of a Digital School DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Students, Staff, Teachers, and Families are communicate through digital tools. DIGITAL ADMINISTRATION Administrators, staff, and teachers use digital tools to complete administrative tasks. DIGITAL COURSEWORK Students complete courses in traditional, blended, and online delivery modes. DIGITAL EXPERIENCES Students complete internships and fieldwork in technology-rich environments.
MORE . . . 7 Characteristics of a Digital School DIGITAL TEACHERS Teachers use digital tools to improve and support teaching and learning. DIGITAL STUDENTS Students use digital tools for collection, communication, collaboration, presentation, organization, and interaction. DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS Assessments are submitted, reviewed, and stored electronically. Students submit/create multimedia reflections/ action research of fieldwork and internships. Students use digital assessment tools to monitor their own learning.
International Society of Technology Education Technology Standards - Students Use technology to demonstrate competency in their learning goals Act in ways that are safe, legal and ethical Use digital tools to construct knowledge and produce creative artifacts Use digital tools to collaborate and work in teams locally and globally Use digital tools and media to communicate clearly and creatively Use technologies to engineer imaginative solutions Use technologies to compute and solve problems
Discussion For the standard you’ve been assigned, identify lesson ideas in two different subject areas that will help students achieve these expectations. SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY, LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, ART, MUSIC, PHYSICAL EDUCAITON
Evaluate Your Technology Skills