Laughter is good for you Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Reading
Stand up for your health! Types of stand-up A famous comedian Laughter is good for your health! Billy Crystal
Part I What is stand up? A kind of comedy that is done on a stage by a comedian talking straight to audience members.
Part II Types of stand-up: How many types ? 2. What are they ? (examples)
Tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life. The first type : Tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life. Examples: ①They may talk about how people act when they queue up. ②They may ask why it only rains when you forget your umbrella. Observational
The second type : Rely on visual humour inspired by objects Examples: ①One comedian uses a huge hammer to break watermelons while he makes jokes about what he is doing. ②Another comedian points to a video tennis game and says, ‘I’ve been playing tennis every day for a month. I don’t understand why I am not losing weight!’ Prop
The third type : Example: This kind of absurd humour is not very funny if you are only listening and not watching the comedian’s performance. Example: Yet other comedians may trip over chairs, walk into doors, and fall down on stage in order to make people laugh. Physical
The fourth type: Example: The last kind of comedian does impressions --- Example: He or she will act or speak like a well-known person in order to make fun of that person. Impressionist
Playtime Guessing which type it belongs to. (Choose the type of Stand-up comedy) Observational, Prop, Physical, ? Impressionist
A famous comedian — Billy Crystal
Profile of Billy Crystal (简介) Nationality American comedian, host, film actor Profession Times of hosting the Academy Awards 9 times Reason for becoming famous: ___________ ability to ____________ quick thinking amuse people Special habit in Academy Awards: keeping a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck Idols(偶像) Bob Hope & George Burns
Laughter is good for your health
Laughter is good for your health Why is laughter good for your health?
Laughter is good for your health Why is laughter good for your health? What is the English saying about laughter mentioned in the text?
Laughter is good for your health Why is laughter good for your health? What is the English saying about laughter mentioned in the text? 1.When you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you. 2.Laughing helps your body stay healthy and help you fight pain.
Laughter is good for your health What is the English saying about laughter mentioned in the text? Why is laughter good for your health? 1.When you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you. 2.Laughing helps your body stay healthy and help you fight pain. “Laughter is the best medicine.”
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types examples By telling how people act when they queue up Tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life Rely on visual humour inspired by objects Perform absurd physical actions to make people laugh The last kind of comedian does impressions--- By telling how people act when they queue up By using a hammer to break watermelons Comedians may trip over chairs, walk into doors, and fall down on stage He or she will act or speak like a will-known person in order to make fun of that person.