What do you need to do? MAY JUNE JULY 2 sections at least must be completed by the 31st of March with sufficient evidence of a 3rd If these sections are not complete by this point we will not be allowing students to participate in the expedition We will not be providing refunds
Expedition dates Practice expedition x 4 Assessed expedition x 3 Friday 21st April – Saturday 22nd April (arrival at 5:00pm) Saturday 22nd April – Sunday 23rd April (arrival at 5:00pm) Friday 5th May – Saturday 6th May (arrival at 5:00pm) Saturday 6th May –Sunday 7th May (arrival at 5:00pm) Assessed expedition x 3 Saturday 24th June – Sunday 25th June Friday 14th July – Saturday 15th July Sunday 16th July – Monday 17th July students on the Lake Garda Tour will probably have to go on the June expedition
Preparation points Equipment packing Equipment use Keeping you safe Travelling safely What to do in case of emergency What to do if you get lost! Orienteering Map reading Planning Route Cards Equipment packing Things NOT to take Which clothes to take Which food to take Equipment use How to put up a tent How to pack a bag
Keeping you safe Travelling safely What to do in case of emergency Always walk on paths towards traffic Stick as closely as you can to your route plan If you get lost we know where you’re going Do not walk on roads Traffic moves fast down the country lanes Try not to not plan to cross roads If you have to cross a road you must do so as a group Remain with your group at all times What to do in case of emergency You will all have your mobile phones with you If you are concerned that one of your party is severely injured call 999 immediately If an injury is not life threatening then call the mobile number provided to you Do not call your parents, it causes confusion, distress and can be dangerous
Keeping you safe What to do if you get lost! You can call us on your mobile during your practice expedition If you call during the assessed expedition (unless it is an extreme emergency) you will fail What to say: Keep constant track of your progress (keep looking at the map) You will need to know how to read a 4 figure grid reference Look for a prominent landmark (more than one is best) Use your compass to work out where they are in relation to you
Orienteering Reading a map & using a compass Planning Make sure you have watched the following films below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkzXYWDm9OE&list=PLJp4yCtYcXprknSY_FA UpWG5ZbDwHmfY7&index=1 Ordinance Survey Maps with Steve Backshall (Strictly Come Dancing) Planning Its essential that you watch the YouTube films and know how to read a map and take a grid reference You need to know how to use a compass You will be provided with a map of the practice area you will be walking around in the next couple of weeks The check points on the route will be marked but you have to work out the route For the assessed route, you will have to work it out yourself entirely
Orienteering Route cards You will be walking at least 6 hours during the daytime (at least 3 of which must be spent journeying) Your route card will be checked by the assessor as they follow you around on the assessed expedition Route cards will help you plan your route beforehand so that you leave and arrive on time The route cards will be agreed with your group They will include: The route you are taking How long you plan to walk between checkpoints Your expedition ‘aim’
Equipment & clothing to avoid Pyjamas Jeans Wellingtons Strappy tops Games consoles Food to AVOID Raw meat Dairy Slow cook pasta
Equipment Packing Kit Kit Clothing Rucksack Water bottle walking boots (broken in) 2 pairs of walking socks & sock liners Shirts: Long sleeve Thermal (advised) 1 fleece tops or similar 1 walking trousers (warm, NOT jeans) Underwear Nightwear Thermal leggings Thermal top Flipflops/trainers or sandals Warm hat & sunhat 1 pair gloves 1 pair shorts Sunblock Waterproof over-trousers Jacket/coat (waterproof & windproof) Kit Rucksack Rucksack liner (or 2 strong plastic bags) (2/5/10/15/25/40/70/100 litres) Sleeping bag Sleeping mat Waterproof compression stuff sack (5/10/15 litre) Sleeping bag liner (optional) Survival bag Whistle Torch (Head torches are the best) Personal first aid kit Kit Water bottle Knife, fork, spoon Plate/bowl Mug Box of matches (in waterproof container) Wash kit/personal hygiene items (some items could be shared as a group) Towel Notebook and pen/pencil Watch Mobile phone
Equipment Packing Group equipment Tent(s) Camping stove(s) Trangia: Cooking pans Included with Trangia stoves Scourers Tea towels Food (lightweight and including snacks) Get advice at DofEShopping.org/food Plastic bags (for rubbish etc.) Toilet paper Maps (1:25 000/1:50 000) Ordnance Survey: Compass Map cases
Equipment use Group equipment Tent(s) Camping stove(s) Trangia: Cooking pans Included with Trangia stoves Scourers Tea towels Food (lightweight and including snacks) Get advice at DofEShopping.org/food Plastic bags (for rubbish etc.) Toilet paper Maps (1:25 000/1:50 000) Ordnance Survey: Compass Map cases
Equipment use Putting up a tent How to pack your rucksack Kit list https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=V9t-zyTf3Vg How to pack your rucksack https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=H4-lnj1735w Kit list https://www.dofeshopping.org/do fe-expedition-kit-list-download/