What is sustainable Development?
Sustainable Development International definition of sustainable development Development that meet the needs of the present generation without using resources of future generations. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs The concept of sustainable development is also made up of these three dimensions and emphasizes their dynamic balance.
S.5 Liberal Studies Modern China Environmental Perspective: Is sustainable development more important than people’s livelihood?
Discussion Is sustainable development equal to a better living condition for people? Yes or No? Who will be benefited/ not benefited? Any cost for sustainable development? If yes, who bears that?
Source 1: Video- Three Gorges Dam Project Identify the benefits and problems that can be brought by the Three Gorges Dam from the Video and point out who are the ones being affected.
Video 1: Three Gorges Dam Project Basic Information of Three Gorges Dam Located at Yichang, Hubei province
Able to generate 22500 MW of hydroelectric power.
Video 1: Three Gorges Dam Project http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gze9QVt6EfQ In your group, you will be assigned to identify A. Benefits of Three Gorges Dam B. Problems brought by the Three Gorges Dam. Write down on the first column of your WS.
To who? Benefits Cleaner Energy High return project, a lot of profit can be earned Flood Control: Protect lives and properties of the residents Better shipping cargo due to the rise of water level, making Yangtze River deeper and wider To who?
So now… Let’s try to do Question 1 Identify and explain the contribution of the three gorges dam to China’s sustainable development. (6 marks) Please answer according to the source and the notes taken from the video clip.
Key question words “Identify” “Explain” point out a certain issue, phenomenon, or contribution. “Explain” providing the reasons in detail for the issue related
Key words Sustainable development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Start to answer the question From the sources and use your knowledge, try to fill in the table below (mainly Source 1 and 2)
Next~ What are the obstacle of the Three Gorges Dam to China’s sustainable development?
Problems People’s home and factories demolished to make way for the reservoir Serious safety risks under earthquake or terrorists Rapid increase in landslides and soil erosion, create water pollution Resettlement budget fail to reach the residents due to corruption of the officers. To who?
To who? Rubbish built up in the dam, threatening wild life. Undiscovered Heritage site and beautiful scenery lost forever. Lost of farmland, reduce production of food Drought to the downstream To who?
Video 2: Three Gorges Dam "A Failure" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8EKSBaqGQs
Which is more important? Short term basic living of local people, Cultural Heritage and the landscape or Long term sustainability of the country The presentation of National Strength
Group discussion Is sustainable development more important than people’s livelihood?
Which is more important? What are the advantages of sustainable development? Who are benefited? Long term or short term? Are these benefits worthwhile and important? How people’s livelihoods are affected as a result of the sustainable development? Who are suffering? Long term or short term? Are these costs worthwhile? Which is more important? Short term basic living of local people, Cultural Heritage and the landscape or Long term sustainability of the country The presentation of National Strength
With the comparison between benefit of sustainable development and the effect on people’s livelihood. Which one do you think is more important?
Conclusion Long term benefit vs Short term cost Will all expected long term benefit be matured? Not quite for Three Gorges Dam project E.g. Can only generate 2% electricity for China Not able to generate too much electricity during flood season.
Are the short term cost more urgent than anticipated? Drought more serious than anticipated, farmers in the downstream cannot make a living Who are the ones bear the cost? Who are the ones taking the advantages? Local individual residents vs Big Businesses and government
Are there any hidden costs that could not be anticipated? Change of climate Maintenance problem Corruption
Bibliography 1. Ali K, 2012, .Three Gorges Dam Project, Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gze9QVt6EfQ [Accessed on 1st December 2013] 2. Au C.K and Wong H. F, 2012, New Horizon Liberal Studies: Modern China (Combined Volume), Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company
3. Justin A, 2006, China’s Mega Dam, America, West Beach Entertainment and Transatlantic Films Ltd produced for Discovery Channel, Discovery Communication Inc. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4FRO1eYdgQ [Accessed on 1st December 2013]
4. Three Gorges Dam "A Failure", 2012, China’s Forbidden News, NTDTV 4. Three Gorges Dam "A Failure", 2012, China’s Forbidden News, NTDTV.com, China, Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8EKSBaqGQs [Accessed on 1st December 2013]