1 Samuel: Samuel, Saul, David
Background Samuel is last judge of Israel and serves as transition to Monarchy 1st and 2nd Samuel were originally 1 book but broken into two in 400 AD during the translation into Greek (Septuagint) Originally began with Hannah’s song (1 Sam. 2:1-11) and ended with David’s Song of Praise (2 Sam. 22)/David’s Last words (2 Sam. 23:1-7) Author is unknown but must have had access to records of Samuel, Saul and David. Sometime after the divided monarchy (931 B.C.) but before the fall of Samaria (722/21 B.C.). Symmetry of the entire document is uncanny and purposeful. Almost cyclical as apostasy in judges
Outline I. Birth and Rule of Samuel (1 Sam. 1--7) II. Saul’s Reign, Failure, and Rejection by God (1 Sam. 8--15) III. David in Saul’s Court (1 Sam. 16--20) IV. David as a Political Fugitive (1 Sam. 21--31) V. David as King over Israel and His Kindness to Saul’s Family (2 Sam. 1--8) VI. David’s Failure and its Dreadful Consequences (2 Sam. 9--20) VII. David’s Final Years and Solomon’s Accession (2 Sam. 21--1 Kings 2)
Samuel Cycle Demise of leader: Eli (1 Sam 1-2) Hannah’s problem—rival, dumb husband (1:8) Hannah’s vow 1:11 Why did Eli jump on her case? (1:13f) Samuel -- God listened (1:20, 28) What does Samuel mean? “Name of God” or “God has heard” Another song from a woman in Ch. 2:1-11 God is Rock
Eli’s sons Hophni and Phineas Problems: Riping off meat (2:14) Messing with women (2:22) Tried to warn sons but was not harsh enough Samuel contrast (2:25, 26) How was Eli as a father? weak man --> weak father --> bad sons
Call of Samuel Samuel’s night call (3:4ff) Rule of threes? Samuel’s sobering info to pass along (3:12-13) Eli’s response (3:18) “…let Him do what he seems good to Him” Labeled a prophet
Demise of Old Leader Capturing the ark: 1 Sam 4-6 Lost 4,000 against Philistines and called for ark Brought the ark and shouted How did Philistines receive this message? (4:6-10) Problem: God in a box mentality How could be negative at times? Death: Eli’s sons – Eli 4:18 Birth of Ichabod: 4:21 The Glory of the Lord has departed
Philistine Plain
Philistines and the Ark Five Philistine cities (Ashdod, Askelon, Gath, Gaza, Ekron)— Pentapolis Ashdod- Dagon (fertility, half fish, half man/father of Baal?) 5:5 Falling on face with arms off Tumors (bubonic plague?) Not ready to return yet Gath Great confusion and tumors Ekron More tumors despite the fear Message had gotten around Devised a plan to return Guilt offering (golden mice and tumors?) Still able recall Egypt’s hardened hearts (6:6) How will they send it away? What is the purpose of this sending off? (6:7-9)
Samuel’s victory Samuel’s calling (7:3) What 3 things do the Israelites have to do in order to be delivered? Has Yahweh's criteria changed? How did Israelites respond (7:4-6) God shows up to help Israel despite their fear of Philistines Another stone as a memorial: Ebenezer
On Fathers and Sons +Eli (godly) ==> -sons (not obedient) +Samuel (godly) ==> - sons (not obedient) (8:3) -Saul (ungodly) ==> +son (obedient) +David (godly) ==> +son (obedient: Solomon) and - son (no obedient: Absolom) What does it all mean?
We Want a King Was it wrong for Israel to ask for a king “like the other nations”? (8:4f) How does God see this? (8:7) An ominous start with lots of foreshadowing Kingship warning: taxes 10%/ bureaucracy /slavery 8:11-18 Theocracy --> Monarchy (major shift)
Saul Chosen: Private Private anointing: chasing donkeys Focus on Saul’s appearance. Why? Has appearance ever been mentioned before? (9:2) http://claudemariottini.com/2012/03/02/the-beautiful-people- of-the-bible/ Was Saul initially humble? (9:21) But I am just a Benjamite? Spirit on Saul and began to prophesy (10:10) Helped his campaign quite a bit What does this tell us about Yahweh’s hand in it all despite being rejected?
Saul chosen: Public Anointed and specific instructions of how he will be greeted (10:1-8) Umim and Thumim used. Why? (10:20) Hiding in the baggage (10:22) Delivers Jabesh Gilead from Ammonites (first victory) (ch. 11) Rallies 330,000 troops with a broken yoke. What did this symbolize? 3rd time: Covenant renewal at Gilgal (11:14f) Samuel’s defense Covering his basis and foreshadowing defects of a king
Saul’s mistake Begins to rule at 30? 1 year? 2 years? 10 years? 40 years? Translation differences. Fear of Philistines at Gilgal (13:7f) Improper sacrifice (13:9) Pious cover up (13:12) Samuel’s rebuke (13:13) –”if” you had Foreshadowing of David (13:14)
Story of Jonathan Takes matters into his own hands while father is relaxing under a ‘pomegranate tree’ (14:2) Faith but also very courageous and hungry for battle: ‘perhaps’ (1 Sam. 14:6f) Puts stipulations in place just in case (1 Sam. 14:9-14) Struck fear in Philistines by this little skirmish (1 Sam. 14:15) Saul is still busy twiddling his thumbs: “Withdraw your hand” (1 Sam. 14:19) Great confusion again (1 Sam. 14:20) Philistines defeated—Hebrew mercenaries mixed in (14:21) Saul’s last resort altar and God’s silence (14:37) Saul plays the Jephthah card but this time people intervene (1 Sam. 14: 40-45
God and Saul and Amalekites What does this tell us about Yahweh?(15:11, 35) Made a monument for himself after victory (15:12) Pious cover up yet again (15:14-21) Right motives ==> wrong actions Long as your heart is right! Right??? Not God’s desire: (15:22-23) God and does not make vows he cannot keep (15:29) But shouldn’t he reward a repentant heart?
David Does God concoct a lie? (16:2) God’s focus on the heart: 16:7 Isn’t this the whole pious excuse Saul got in trouble for? God’s focus on the heart: 16:7 Spirit leaves Saul (16:13f) Does God really send evil spirits on people (16:14)? The new king (David) ironically is needed to expel evil spirit when it arises
David’s Victory David’s righteous anger (17:26) Sibling jealousy: (17:28) Attribution of wrong motives On defeating giants (17:42-47) Women’s troublesome song & Saul’s insecurity (18:7)
Demise of Old leader Saul’s attempts to kill David Michal betrothal foreskins (18:20f, 23, 25) Spearing chucking (19:9, 11) Michal’s idol protection (19:13) Jonathan warns David: that’s what friends are for (ch. 18:3f; 20:9, 17, 33, 41f)
David’s fleeing Nob: (ch. 21) -- sword, food, 85 priests slain; Doeg the Edomite (ch. 22) Suspecting a conspiracy so begins slaughtering anyone who is attached Keilah deliverance (ch. 23:9ff;) Does God know things that never happen? (cf. 13:13 if Saul had...) ephod: Urim/Thumim
Nabal and Abigail The story line and description of Abigail (1 Sam 25:3, 10, 22) On role of woman and foolish men (v. 24ff) David goes to Philistine city of Ziklag (27:6f)—note date of statement
David’s sparing Saul 1 Sam 24:3f dropping pants in cave 1 Sam 26:9 stealing spear while sleeping David’s respect: don’t touch the LORD’s anointed 24:5; 26:9
Witch of Endor & Saul’s demise Story line: Final Battle in Jezreel Valley Can witches really bring people back from the dead? Are dead people aware of what is going on in this life? (28:15ff) Implications—multi-generational reflections