TEACHING ENGLISH Make learning English enjoyable and fun Do not worry about mistakes Use gestures Talk a lot (in English) Play games, sing songs, say rhymes Do not worry when they use their mother tongue Answer in English Recast in English what they say in their mother tongue Tell simple stories
TEACHING ENGLISH Some children Speak more and others speak less Are embarrassed speaking in front of the whole class When they work in pairs or in groups Feel more confident Get more opportunities to speak Learn a lot from each other Gain confidence because they are speaking in private
CORRECTING YOUR PUPILS Use correction as a learning tool to learn English Distinguish between: Errors of form Errors of meaning and comprehension
When and how to correct Do not make the children feel silly or bad Praise every effort Try to increase children’s confidence and feeling of success Try to show your approval for their contribution
TEACHING TIPS Have a reading area in the classroom with good picture books and reading cards with pictures If you have audio books (cassettes of stories) in your school, let the children read and listen
STARTING A LESSON IN ENGLISH Speak English from the beginning Examples: Greetings Days of the week Roll Song
STARTING YOUR LESSONS • Greetings TEACHER: Good morning. CHILDREN: Morning, teacher. TEACHER: How are you today? CHILDREN: Very well. How are you? TEACHER: Fine. Thanks.
STARTING YOUR LESSONS • Routines TEACHER: Good morning. Is today Monday? CHILDREN: No. TEACHER: Or maybe Tuesday? Or Sunday? TEACHER: Oh I wish it was Sunday. OK, what day is it today? CHILDREN: Thursday. TEACHER: Great!
FAREWELL ROUTINE ACTIVITY – POEM WITH ACTION See You Later Alligator See you later alligator, Bye bye butterfly, Give a hug ladybug, (abbraccio-coccinella) Be sweet parakeet, (parrocchetto) Blow a kiss goldfish, (pesciolino rosso) See you soon racoon, (orsetto lavatore) Take care polar bear, Out the door dinosaur! https://youtu.be/4cd4Ho1r75c
THE ROLL • Taking the register TEACHER: OK, let's check the roll. Now, remember to answer “I'm here”. TEACHER: Giupone, Lorenzo. LORENZO: I'm here. TEACHER: Pierrotti, Jonathan. (silence) CHILDREN: Not here. TEACHER: What about Jonathan. Where is he? “I don't know”. Can you say that? CHILDREN: (repeating) I don't know. TEACHER: OK, everyone's here except Jonathan.
SONG Head, shoulders, knees and toes https://youtu.be/h4eueDYPTIg
ENDING A LESSON IN ENGLISH • TEACHER: Right, we have no time for anything else. Don't do any more. We don't have any more time today... Finishing up • TEACHER: That's all for today. OK, on Monday there will be more. OK, OK, now children, now, make a line to say good bye... following the leader…
INTRODUCTION Children love stories Stories are the most valuable resource you have Stories are interesting and enjoyable, and can be fun
REMEMBER There is a difference between telling and reading a story.
TELLING A STORY When you tell a story you Speak spontaneously Use natural intonation Are looking at the children and you can see if they understand Can you use your face and body to make gestures
READING A STORY When you read a story you can Repeat and rephrase Stop and talk to the children about what is happening Stop and show pictures and talk about them Use you voice for characters – speak loudly, softly, slowly, high-pitch or low-pitch