North Carolina Licensure Application Process for Professional Counselors Christina Rosen, Ed.D., LPCS, LCAS, CCS, NCC, IADC Associate Professor Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Clinical Field Experience Coordinator for CMHC Rosen, September 2016
Goals for LPCA Application Presentation To review different levels of licensure To review LPCA application process To review LPCA application To review Candidate for Licensure Pending (CFL-P) status To review the transition process from LPCA to LPC status To review definition of direct hours To review the licensure renewal process Rosen, September 2016
Three Levels of Licensure LPCA Licensed Professional Counselor Associate Restricted license- must have supervision LPC Licensed Professional Counselor Unrestricted license- supervision not required LPCS Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor Board approved supervisor Rosen, September 2016
Practice of Counseling Activities A person must be: Licensed—LPCA must have an approved supervisor before practicing A student enrolled in practicum or internship under supervision Working in an exempt setting as approved by the Board Counseling activities: Direct hours: Consists of live contact with individuals, groups, and families through counseling as defined in G.S. 90-330(a)(3)a thru b: (see slide 32) Rosen, September 2016
7D Terrace Way Greensboro, NC 27403 North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors Contact Info. Review NCBLPC website: Check the Board’s calendar for deadlines: Check the Board’s website for updated information: Contact information for the Board: Phone number: 844-622-3572 or 336-217-6007 Email: NCBLPC Calendar February 29, 2016 Deadline for receipt of application materials to be reviewed at the April 14th Board meeting June 3, 2016 Deadline for receipt of application materials to be reviewed at the July 21st Board meeting August 29, 2016 Deadline for receipt of application materials to be reviewed at the October 13th Board meeting December 2, 2016 Deadline for receipt of application materials to be reviewed at the January TBD Board meeting For General Mail: For Overnight and Special Delivery: PO Box 77819 Greensboro, NC 27417 7D Terrace Way Greensboro, NC 27403 Rosen, September 2016
Overview: LPCA Application Process Download & complete the 12 page LPCA application LPCA applications includes: Completing and signing the official application: Payment form: the fee is a total of $238.00 (application is $200, background check is $38) Official Conferred Transcript directly from registrar’s office to NCBLPC** Examination Scores from NBCC sent directly to NCBLPC** Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience Form (from all field experience semesters completed to date) Professional Disclosure Statement Ethics Attestation Certification & Agreement Jurisprudence Exam Fingerprint Cards & Authority for Release for Criminal Background Check form All required documents must in for application to be designated as completed and ready for board review. Applicant is in review designation is when documents, other than those that are starred, are completed. Candidate for Licensure Pending (CFL-P) (see slide 24) will be reviewed by the board Copies of receipts will give you Candidate for Licensure Pending status and the board will look at your application 1) Receipt proving you have order a conferred transcript, from Appalachian State Register office, to be sent to NCBLPC and NBCC Also an Official Conferred Transcript sent to NBCC to release your score to NBCLPC 2) Receipt proving you have order your NCE scores from NBCC Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience Form (from all field experience semesters complete to date) You need at least two semesters of verification of graduate counseling forms to be sent for your applicant to be consider Candidate for Licensure Pendingstatus. Rosen, September 2016
LPCA Application Contents I. General Information II. Credentials (if you have any, i.e. LCAS-A) III. Legal & Ethics History IV. Education V. References (three professional references with contact information) VI. Graduate Counseling Experience (includes Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience forms) VII. Graduate Courses VIII. Photo IX. Application Validation (must be notarized) X. Criminal Background Information XI. Authority for Release for Criminal Background Check LPCA Application Payment Form LPCA PDS Template Jurisprudence Exam Rosen, September 2016
LPCA Application Packet & Payment Applications (21 NCAC 53 .0301) – obtain at May be mailed in paper format Currently, only mailed applications are accepted; the Board is working on moving towards electronic application submissions. Total fees: $200.00 + $38.00 = $238.00 $200.00 application fee $38.00 background check fee – must be within six months of the applicant being reviewed. Official transcript - If the transcript course titles are ambiguous or do not convey the pertinent content of the courses, the Board shall require additional documentation from the applicant, such as a course description or syllabus from the same time period that the applicant was enrolled. Are course title are good no syllabus need to be sent Rosen, September 2016
LPCA Application: Sections I, II & III Complete – Print or Type Using Black Ink ONLY Section I. General Information Section II. Credentials (if you have any, i.e. LCAS-A) Section III. Legal & Ethics History All applicants are REQUIRED to submit the following information to NCBLPC for state and national background checks : 2 fingerprint cards, Authorization for Release of Criminal Background Check Payment of $38.00 If you say yes to questions 3 or 7, you must submit a written explanation in sealed envelope (see pg. 3 of the application). Rosen, September 2016
Section IV. Education: Transcripts Before you turn in your LCPA application packet, order TWO conferred sealed official transcripts from the registrar’s office. Make a copy of each receipt of payment and transcript request. Include both of the following in your LPCA application packet: One transcript will be sent to NCBLPC (North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors) Second transcript will be sent to NBCC (National Board for Certified Counselors) which is needed before NBCC will release your GSA-NCE scores to NCBLPC) It can take 4 to 6 weeks after you graduate for Appalachian State University to send your official conferred transcript to both organizations. The receipts will assist in moving your status from application in review to CFL-P (Candidate for Licensure Pending). Include a copy of your unofficial transcript in your application packet (see point 5 on checklist for LPCA applicants). Rosen, September 2016
National Exam NBCC can take 4 to 6 weeks to send your scores to NCBLPC . GSA-NCE exam is administered on campus during fall & spring semesters. Fee is $330.00 to take the exam. Dr. Dominique Hammond is our campus faculty liaison . Registration process is now on-line. Request for Appalachian State University registrar’s office to send a conferred official sealed transcript showing date the degree was conferred to NBCC. Pay fee to NBCC to become an NCC (National Certified Counselor). Request NBCC to send verification of scores to NCBLPC: Print & copy receipt of payment and request for scores. Prior to graduating, send NBCC your new address and fee to become an NCC . Rosen, September 2016
Section V. Professional References Need 3 professional references Professors Site supervisors Professional mentors Provide full contact information and length of time you have know them. Rosen, September 2016
Section VI. Graduate Counseling Experience Practicum & internship are shown as separate courses on your official conferred transcript (see pg. 4 of the LPCA application). Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience form University supervisor of each course needs to complete this form (see pg.12 of the LPCA application and slide 21 of this presentation) or go to After each semester of practicum/internship, have your university supervisor complete this form, seal it, and sign the back of the envelope. Include it in your packet. If your supervisor sends the form directly to NCBLPC, make sure it is sent after you send in your application. State dates total weeks and hours (direct and indirect) Graduate Institution, & University Supervisor Practicum/Internship Site & Site Supervisor Position Held & Responsibilities Must two in at least two semesters of verification of graduate experience forms with application (HPC 5900 and one semester of HPC 6900), turn in the third after completing your second semester of internship Rosen, September 2016
Section VI. (continued): Graduate Counseling Experience Supervised graduate counseling experience shall consist of a minimum of 300 hours. Need one hour of clinical supervision per 40 hours of graduate counseling experience. At least 180 hours of this counseling experience shall be direct counseling experience (see slide 3 for definition of direct hours). CMHC and PSC programs already adhere to these standards. They will start the ratio of direct and indirect in 2017, where for Internship ¾ hours are direct (360 direct) and ¼ hours are in-direct (240), we have started this in 2016 so this cohort is ready for licensure. Rosen, September 2016
Section VII. Graduate Courses Our programs are regionally accredited (CACREP). Only use a course once time (no course can be used twice) to meet requirements. For courses with unclear titles, attach the syllabus (our titles are clear enough). Nine core course muse be covered (see next slide) - Each course must have the university code and course title as seen on your transcript. CMHC and PSC core courses are aligned with these standards. Appalachian State University is CACREP accredited Courses with unclear titles attached syllabus Appalachian State University course typically do not need syllabus Counseling theories and technique is Helping Relationship for the 2014 cohort and earlier cohort, 2015 and later cohort would use Helping Relationship Rosen, September 2016
Section VII. (continued): Required Courses Helping Relationships HPC 5220: Counseling Theories and Techniques (for those enrolled prior to Fall 2015 semester) HPC 5225: Helping Relationships and HPC 5220 (see above for title) Counseling Practicum HPC 5900: Practicum in Counseling Counseling Internship HPC 6900: Internship in Mental Health Counseling If enrolled for one semester ,list once; if enrolled over two semesters, list twice. Professional Orientation to Counseling HPC 5120: Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling HPC 5752 : Legal and Ethical Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Human Growth and Development Theories HPC 5272: Individual and Family Development Rosen, September 2016
Section VII. (continued): Required Courses Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling HPC 5110: Multicultural Counseling Group Counseling Theories and Processes HPC 5790: Groups Methods and Processes Career Counseling and Lifestyle Development HPC 5210 : Life and Career Planning Assessment in Counseling HPC 5140 : Psychological and Educational Testing HPC 6120: Developmental Assessment and Diagnosis in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Research and Program Evaluation RES 5000: Research Methods Rosen, September 2016
Section VIII. Attached Photo Section IX. Application Validation Tape photo on each side. Photo must be 2 X 2 “passport” size. Application must be signed and dated in the presence of a notary. DO NOT SIGN THE APPLICATION UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY. Bank Credit union Rosen, September 2016
Sections X. and XI. Criminal Background Information Authority for Release of Criminal Background Check Can take up to four to six weeks Read Instructions for Completing the Applicant Fingerprint Card (pg. 6) – set up an appointment with the sheriff’s office. Cost is $38.00 to NCBLPC – one payment of $238.00 = $200.00 for application + $38.00 background check. Complete and send in Authority for Release of Information (State and Federal Record Check) (pg. 10). Rosen, September 2016
Application Payment Form Located on pg. 11 of the LPCA application. Need to make one payment of $238.00 = $200.00 applicant + $38.00 background check. Can use check or money order payable to NCBLPC. Can use credit card. Rosen, September 2016
Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience Complete one form per site at the end of each semester for practicum or internship. Put in an envelope that is addressed to NCBLPC and has a stamp. Located on pg. 12 of the LPCA application or or At the end of the semester, have the university supervisor sign the form. Also have them seal and sign the envelope, even though it should be send directly to NCBLPC. If they send it in before you apply, the form will be sent back. Instead, have them give you the envelope and send it in about two days after you send in your application or send it with your application. See slide 13 for more information. Very Important student who apply must have HPC 5900 Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience and 1-semester of HPC 6900 when they send in their applicant to obtain the CFL-P status. They should keep a copy of everything. Application MUST be on the desk of NCBLPC prior to the due date. Post mark prior to the due date is insuffient Rosen, September 2016
Professional Disclosure Statement Copy must be provided to clients prior to starting counseling services and must be signed by clients. A signed copy must be maintained in client record(s). Must include information as listed in Rule .0204 (LPCA Professional Disclosure Statement Template found on pgs. 1 & 2 after pg. 12 in the LPCA application). Instructions: Template: Rosen, September 2016
Jurisprudence Exam Complete for each licensure & renewal . Test is online can be completed from most computers. Jurisprudence exam is a no fail test. Review briefing at the bottom of the web page before taking the test: Print completed certificate & include with your application. Administrative fee $25.00 to i-counseling at the time of the test. Administered by Center for Credentialing & Education via the i-counseling website: . Make sure you are completing the exam for North Carolina Counselor Exam for LPCA. The exam is to be completed within six months prior to application or renewal. Link to exam: Very important to be very careful you will be charged for the exam you take and you may have to retake the exam if you do not take the right exam. Rosen, September 2016
Candidate for Licensure Pending: CFL-P Candidate for Licensure Pending (CFL-P) status is acquired if the application is missing one or more of the following requirements: Official exam scores from NBCC; MUST INCLUDE COPY OF REQUEST FOR SCORES & PROOF OF PAYMENT FOR SCORES. Official transcript from a regionally accredited higher education institution; MUST PUT COPY OF RECEIPT REQUESTING TRANSCRIPTS TO BE SENT AND A COPY OF YOUR UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT. For the applicant to be listed as a CFL-P, the applicant shall provide all other required documentation (see slide 6) with the above exceptions. I RECOMMEND THEY ORDER BOTH TRANSCRIPTS (ONE FOR ncblpc AND ONE FOR nbcc) AT THE SAME TIME AND PUT THAT RECIEPT IN THE APPLICANT PACKET Complete LPCA application pp. 2 thru 12 including payment Copy of request and payment for a Sealed Official Conferred Degree Transcript to be sent to NBLPC Copy of receipt of payment & request for score to be sent to the NCBLPC Professional Disclosure Statement Jurisprudence Exam Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience form for both practicum & internship Finger Prints Rosen, September 2016
For An Applicant To Be Listed As A CFL-P: The CFL-P designation allows the applicant's file to be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting for approval. License may be issued upon receipt of the missing documents (see slide 24). The CFL-P designation is effective for a maximum of 60 days from the date of approval by the Board. If the missing documents are not received within 60 days, the CFL-P designation shall revert to “application in review” status. If the missing documents are not received within 60 days, the application shall be presented at the next scheduled Board meeting upon receipt of missing documents and is subject to a two-year period set. Complete application pp. 2-12 Professional disclosure statement a receipt showing the request and payment to the examining board for an official exam score to be sent to the Board; a receipt showing the request and payment to the educational institution for an official transcript to be sent to the Board. Rosen, September 2016
Summary of LPCA Application Packet An application is completed or in CFL-P status will be reviewed at the next board meeting as long as the following is also included: A receipt showing the request and payment to the examining board for official exam scores to be sent to the Board; A receipt showing the request and payment to the educational institution for an official transcript to be sent to the Board (also include an unofficial transcript). Professional Disclosure Statement Jurisprudence Exam Verification of Graduate Counseling Experience form for both practicum & internship for each site Finger Print Cards & Authorization for Release of Information Ethics Attestation Statement Payment and Payment Form Rosen, September 2016
Timeline for Application Send in your completed application & additional information (see slide 24) to the NCBLPC about 2 to 4 weeks before the deadline as stated on the NBLPC website ( Background check can take 4 to 6 weeks. Transcripts can take 4 to 6 weeks for the registrar’s office to send official conferred transcripts to NCBLPC & NBCC. Order several weeks before LPCA application deadline (also include an unofficial transcript in your application). After NBCC receives your official conferred transcript, they can take 4 to 6 weeks to send your NCE scores to NCBLPC. University supervisor can take 4 to 10 weeks (depending on university breaks & summer school) to complete Verification of Graduate Experience form – so have these done after each semester. After the board meets, it can take 4 to 6 weeks to receive LPCA notice. After sending in supervisor contact, it can take 2 to 4 weeks for supervisor to receive approval letter. *December 2 , 2016 Deadline for receipt of application materials to be reviewed at the January TBD Board meeting *Have materials sent in between November 4th and November 18th (4 weeks-2 weeks) Example: Graduate December 2015, official transcript from Appalachian State University Register Office was sent January 19, 2016 even though they graduated December 11, 2015 Therefore NBCC did not receive the transcript some place between January 26 and February 2, 2016, NBCC will send out NCE scores to NCLPC until some place between February 23 to March 8, 2016 NCBLPC can take an addition 4 weeks to let you know that the materials have arrived and you are an LPCA NCBLPC required Supervision Contracts can be turn in anytime after the board meets and you have become and CFL-P and after. It can take the board additional 2 to 4 weeks to approve supervision contracts. YOU CAN NOT practice counseling with your LPCA and an approved supervisory contract. Therefore graduates need to be prepared for licensure to take about 3 months. Rosen, September 2016
Hints for Successful Application Plan Ahead Send in application at least two to fours weeks before the Board deadline. Make sure you get a return receipt when you mail in your application. Include completed application with additional documents as stated in in slide 24. Be Patient and Diligent You will receive log-in information and a letter via email. Use these before calling the Board. All documents need to be received and reviewed prior to being awarded licensure. Keep checking your account for your status. Each organization can take about 4 to 6 weeks to send materials or notify you, including the NCBLPC. Remember to log-in and check status before contacting the Board – keep the Board letter with your login information. Be Wise Send supervision contract in with your application so that your supervisor can be approved along with your application. You cannot start working until your supervisor receives notice that they have been approved. I typically stop here but give them the rest of the PowerPoint so they can be informed about post graduation and LPCA to LPC Rosen, September 2016
I am an LPCA- Now What? Hours required: Direct hours (2000) + Indirect hours (1000) = 3000 hours total Clinical supervised hours required: 1 hour for every 40 hours worked (total: 100 hours) Must go through renewal process every 2 years (may be less when you are a new counselor). Supervision must include raw data, which must be a significant part of supervision time. Must keep a supervision log. Must send in quarterly reports to the Board and supervisor must send in final supervision report to the Board. Rosen, September 2016
Information for New LPCAs Restricted counseling work is supervised. Must have 1 hour of face-to-face supervision for every 40 hours of professional practice once LPCA has be granted. No less than three-quarters of the hours of clinical supervision shall be individual clinical supervision. To apply for your LPC: 3000 hours of supervised professional practice post degree, of which 2000 hours must be direct counseling. This is about 20 to 23 hours per week for two years. You must have a minimum of a 100 hours of supervision. You must have 1 hour of face-to-face supervision for every 40 hours worked. Rosen, September 2016
Clinical Supervision Send supervision contract right after Board meeting if possible. Must be approved by the Board before counseling services begin. Supervisor will receive an approval letter. After you receive your LPCA, then you can start seeing clients. Must meet for one hour of supervision for every 40 hours worked. LPCS – Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor Approved Board Supervisor – Qualified Supervisor After July 2017, all supervision must be with an LPCS. Rosen, September 2016
Direct Counseling Experience (Rule .0205) a. Assisting individuals, groups, and families through the counseling relationship by evaluating and treating mental disorders and other conditions through the use of a combination of clinical mental health and human development principles, methods, diagnostic procedures, treatment plans, and other psychotherapeutic techniques, to develop an understanding of personal problems, to define goals, and to plan action reflecting the client's interests, abilities, aptitudes, and mental health needs as these are related to personal-social-emotional concerns, educational progress, and occupations and careers. b. Appraisal Activities. – Administering and interpreting tests for assessment of personal characteristics. Rosen, September 2016
COUNSELING EXPERIENCE -LPCA The counseling experience required by G.S. 90-336(c)(2) shall include a minimum of 2000 hours of supervised professional practice hours of direct counseling experience. Direct counseling experience consists of live contact with individuals, groups, or families through counseling as defined in G.S. 90-330(a)(3)a and b. (see slide 29) Experience shall be gained at a rate of no more than 40 hours per week. Must have at least 100 hours of clinical supervision, minimum of 3000 hours of supervised professional practice. No less than three-quarters of the hours of clinical supervision shall be individual clinical supervision. Rosen, September 2016
Renewal Process The bi-annual renewal fee of $200.00 is due and payable by June 20th of the renewal year. Newly issued licenses shall be effective upon the date of issuance by the Board and shall expire on June 30th of the second year of issuance. The renewal period for a newly issued license may be less than two years. 30 continuing contact hours are needed if this is the case. If the renewal period for newly issued license is two years, 40 continue contact hours are needed Following the first renewal of a newly issued license, the renewal period shall be two years and shall run from July 1 in the first year through June 30 in the second year. Rosen, September 2016
Renewal Process: Required Materials Certificate of completion of the Jurisprudence Examination for the level of license that is being renewed Ethics Attestation Statement Updated Professional Disclosure Statement Payment of Renewal Fee Change of Address Send in early if possible. Renewal forms can be audited. Keep Certificate of Completion of Continuing Contact Hours in case of an audit—do not send it to the Board unless requested. Rosen, September 2016
Summary of Counseling Experience: Moving from LPCA towards LPC Must have a board approved supervisor –the supervisor must receive a letter of approval before counseling begins. Must have a minimum of 3000 hours total of professional experience (i.e. direct and indirect hours). Must have a minimum of 2000 hours of direct counseling experience. Must have 1 hour of supervision for every 40 hours of work. Must have a minimum of 100 hours of clinical supervision. Rosen, September 2016
Questions Start the application process early!!!! Good luck!!!! See me if you need help. My email address is: Rosen, September 2016