Regional Math Coordinator’s Meeting February 3, 2016
Agenda TEA Updates Accountability Every Student Succeeds Act Acting Secretary of Education Texas Regional Collaborative (TRC) Counting Trees Professional Development Brainstorm TCMPC TEKS Resource System Updates
Commissioner Mike Morath SBOE Updates New Resources PAEMST TEA Updates Commissioner Mike Morath SBOE Updates New Resources PAEMST
Commissioner Mike Morath
SBOE Updates Financial Mathematics SBOE is considering proposal for second reading and adoption to allow Financial Mathematics to count as a third credit for students in the Foundation High School Program If adopted, it can be used for every pathway under the STEM endorsement EXCEPT the mathematic pathway Prerequisite of Algebra I, but no sequencing requirement
New Resources
New Resources
New Resources
New Resources
Professional Development
PAEMST 2016 Competition
TASA: iTunesU
Accountability New Performance Standards with the adjusted Phase-In are now in statute Progressive, not stepped Algebra II EOC will not be offered in the STAAR Alternate 2, STAAR L or STAAR A test version
In May 2016, STAAR Algebra II and English III assessments will be available for districts to administer on an optional basis as postsecondary readiness measures. Texas Education Code (TEC) specifies that test results cannot be used for class grades, class rank, accountability, or teacher evaluation. However, the TEC stipulates that students can use their scores on STAAR Algebra II and English III to meet the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) testing requirement. Districts that elect to offer STAAR Algebra II, English III, or both assessments must administer the tests to all students in the district who are enrolled in these courses. STAAR Algebra II and English III will be provided online and on paper. Braille and large print versions of these assessments will also be available. Districts will be required to provide participation counts for students who will be taking STAAR Algebra II and English III assessments.
Algebra I New reference materials New blueprint
Every Student Succeeds Act
Priorities of ESSA College- and Career- Ready Standards Annual Statewide Assessment Innovative Local Assessment Pilot Student Performance Targets and School Ratings that are state driven and based on multiple measures
Priorities of ESSA Accountability, Interventions and Supports for Struggling Schools State developed identification and intervention with support for bottom 5% of schools, schools where subgroups are falling behind, and high schools with high dropout rates. Dedicated funding for lowest-performing schools
Priorities of ESSA Competitive Program to Evaluate and Reward Effective Educators (based on student learning) in High-Need Schools Includes Pre-K Competitive Program for Innovation and Evidence-Building Competitive Program to Replicate High-Quality Charter Schools Competitive Program to Encourage Wrap-Around Support Systems for Vulnerable Communities
Acting Secretary of Education Dr. John King, Jr.
Counting Trees
Texas Regional Collaborative
Texas Regional Collaborative Target Grade Levels: 6th grade – Algebra I Algebra I will be the Immersion Focus 30-35 teachers as mentors 60-70 cadre members Impacts 90-105 classrooms in our region That’s over 2500 students!!
Professional Development Brainstorm What are areas of professional development your teachers are asking for? What are areas of professional development that you need support with? On a post-it note, please write down some thoughts for us to consider as we plan the Fall and Spring.
TEKS Resource System Updates All HS IFDs are published All feedback for K-HS for curriculum and assessment components have been processed and published Al HS 6th weeks assessment items are published All K-8 Formative Spiral Items are published Algebra I Spiral Items will be available Fall 2016 No HS rubrics will be published in 2016-2017
Professional Development: TASM Next Meeting – February 18-19, Austin with Dan Meyer Future Meetings – June 28, San Antonio during CAMT
Professional Development: Accountability Forum Friday, February 26, 2016 Workshop# CP160226-H01
Professional Development: NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition: San Francisco, April 13-16
NCTM 2017
Professional Development: TEKS Resource System Summer Conference San Antonio – June 14-16, 2016 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Content-specific sessions in All core content areas Instructional leadership Digital learning Assessment Special populations Differentiation Keynote Speaker: Ron Clark
Professional Development: CAMT
Professional Development: ESC Region 20
Monice Kretzchmer, Brandi Simpson,