COPERT 4 – Software updates Dimitris Gkatzoflias EMISIA S.A. Thessaloniki +30 2310 473374 Copenhagen, June 14-15, 2011
COPERT versions and recent updates What’s new in version 8.1 (May 2011) compared to version 6.1 (February 2009) Software
Software (v7.x) Calculation of all the runs (years) with a single button
Software (v7.x) NMVOC Speciation by vehicle type
Software (v7.x) β-parameter reduction factor (bc) form
Software (v7.x) Export in NFR Excel file format
Software (v7.x) Non-exhaust Emissions of Heavy Metals in the Export files
Software (v7.x) Evaporation Emissions in the Export files
Software (v7.x) PAHs & POPs, Dioxins and Furans in the Export files
Software (v7.x) Units included in the Export files When the user creates an Export file, every worksheet has a unit indicating whether the Emissions are in tones (t) or kilos (kg).
Software (v7.x) Updated 'Mean_Fleet_Mileage_km' worksheet in the Export files Now it includes all vehicles that are selected in the fleet configuration of COPERT. (In previous versions it included only the vehicle types for which evaporation emissions and/or mileage degradation factors were calculated) Since mean fleet mileage is also used for the calculation of N2O and NH3 emissions this list had to be extended in order to cover all vehicle types.
Software (v7.x) Fuel Balance data included in the Export files
Software (v7.x) COPERT version and Date/Time included in the Export files
Software (v7.x) Displaying the full path of the active database file
Software (v7.x) Renamed description of PC Euro 5 and 6 technologies "PC Euro 5 (post 2005)" => "PC Euro 5 - EC 715/2007“ "PC Euro 6" => "PC Euro 6 - EC 715/2007“ The reason is that an EC regulation is now already in place for these two technologies.
Software (v8.x) Sulphur Content removed from the 'Improved_Fuel_Specs' worksheet of the Excel Import/Export files because the Sulphur Content is based on the values that the user provides in the 'Sulphur_Content_perc_wt' worksheet. The user may provide in this sheet, different values for each year and this cannot be done in the 'Improved_Fuel_Specs' worksheet. Also many users would fill in the values in "Sulphur_Content_perc_wt" and leave the 'Improved_Fuel_Specs' values zero that would result in incorrect calculations.
Software (v8.x) COPERT 4 can be installed with frameworks more recent than 1.1 COPERT 4 can now be installed in computers that have a .NET Framework more recent than 1.1 (e.g. 2.0 or 3.5). In case the user has no Framework installed, the setup software will prompt him to download and install .NET Framework 1.1.
Software (v8.x) Reports software patch A software patch is released for the users that had a problem viewing or exporting in Excel format the reports of the 'File > Reports > Driving mode oriented' and 'File > Reports > Source oriented' forms. This software patch is available from the website of COPERT and it has to be installed after the installation of COPERT 4.
Software (v8.x) Load/Slope effect separately selected
Software (v8.x) “Check for updates” button