HEADSTART ONLINE SURVEY 2017 a guide for pupils These slides are for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to introduce them to the HeadStart survey 2017. Please adapt these as you see fit.
Let’s have a look together at what sort of things it will ask you…. Your school is one of the first HeadStart schools in Newham and in the whole country! We are working with your school to support you in building your resilience and deal with the challenges you may face To help us get this right for YOU, all Year 5 pupils and all Year 6 pupils in your school will complete an online survey. Let’s have a look together at what sort of things it will ask you…. This slide explains the HeadStart programme and the purpose of the survey
will ask you to think about: The online survey will ask you to think about: 1. Me and my feelings 2. How you feel about your life This provides an overview of the sections of the survey The survey will take between 30-40 minutes to complete 3. Important relationships in your life 4. Young carer 5. How other people in school relate to you
1 3 2 4 5 1: Me and my feelings Can you name these feelings? Fear Disgust 1 3 2 Anger Images taken from the film “Inside Out” and task is warm up to vocab to talk about feelings 4 Joy 5 Sadness
2. How you feel about your life Talk about various emotions – but how do they feel about their life generally? What types of things might they think about
3. Important relationships in your life This section explores the different relationships and role models in your life YOU 3. Important relationships in your life
5. Are you a young carer? Young carers do some or all of these things for someone in their family: take them to medical appointments, or the hospital? helping with taking their medication? helping them to wash, dress or toilet? doing the shopping or cooking? Some pupils may not understand the term, young carer. Take some time to ensure pupils have a shared understanding of what this means. Being a young carer often means looking after a family member who is ill or helping them by looking after the other members of the family while they can’t. Young carers often do more chores than other children would.
YOU 5. How do other students in school relate to you? How do they treat you? YOU Encourage pupils to be objective and see themselves through others’ eyes. How are they treated? Get them to give examples
How long will it take to complete? You’ll have up to 40 mins – take your time What kind of questions are they? Questions have multiple choice answers What if I don’t understand a word? Raise your hand and ask a teacher Do I have to answer every question? You can skip a question if you don’t want to answer it Are my answers confidential? Your teachers/school/parents won’t see your answers. Overall survey results will be given at the school-level providing a picture of the wellbeing of pupils. Individual pupils will not be identifiable. What if I need support after doing the survey? If you need to talk to someone after doing the survey, speak to your Form Tutor A list of questions that it might be useful to explore with pupils
To get started – click on the survey link for Primary schools The next slides take pupils through the different steps in the process
Enter your unique password, provided by the teacher
if you want to take part Read survey info if you want to take part
Multiple choice responses
You know you’ve reached the end when…
And if you finish early… Design a PowerPoint about ‘Wellbeing’ and what it means to you This is an optional activity. Schools can select another activity if they prefer.