Question Formation students write questions on board first
He plays soccer. Statement → Does he play soccer? Yes/No question Question formation He plays soccer. Statement → Does he play soccer? Yes/No question → How often does he play soccer? Wh question You are late. Statement → Are you late? Yes/No question → Why are you late? Wh question She will join us at the pub. Statement → Will she join us at the pub? Yes/No question → When will she join us at the pub? Wh question
Question formation Basic Structure Look at these example sentences. They all have the auxiliary verb or modal before the subject: Auxiliary verb + Subject Main verb Auxiliary Subject Main verb Do you like dark beer? Are they coming to the party? Will he get the job? Has she finished the homework? What did buy? When will get married?
Question formation – Simple Present & Simple Past Note The simple present and the simple past have no auxiliary. We make questions by adding the auxiliary do/does for the present simple or did for the past simple: Statement do/does or did Yes/No question Wh question You always buy red wine. do Do you always buy red wine? How often do you buy red wine? He always smells sweaty. does Does he always smell sweaty? Why does he always smell sweaty? We ate the pizza. did Did you guys eat the pizza? When did you guys eat the pizza?
Question formation – The Verb “BE” Exception For the main verb be in the Simple Present and Simple Past, there is no auxiliary verb. Therefore, to make a question, the main verb is placed before the subject. Statement Resulting question He is a total jerk. Is he a total jerk? Why is he a total jerk? We are late. Are we late? How often are we late? It was really cold outside. Was it really cold outside. When was it really cold outside? I was home all weekend. Were you home all weekend? Where were you all weekend?
Yes/No Question Formation There are 3 ways to make YES/NO questions
Yes/No questions: 01 1. Move the auxiliary (helping verb) to the front of the sentence. Examples The baby is sleeping. → Is the baby sleeping? I have finished. → Have you finished? They are delicious. → Are they delicious? She was surprised. → Was she surprised? He had won the game. → Had he won the game?
Make questions for the following answers: Nope, I’m not. Yes, of course they were. Yeah, I think we have. No, she certainly isn’t. Are you crazy? Of course he wasn’t. No, you aren’t. Not at all. Yup. We are. As usual. No, no, no. I’ve already told you I wasn’t.
Yes/No questions: 02 They’ll be here soon. → Will they be here soon? 2. Move the modal (helping verb) to the front of the sentence. Examples They’ll be here soon. → Will they be here soon? We should go out. → Should we go out? I wouldn’t do that. → Wouldn’t you do that? He can help us. → Can he help us?
Make questions for the following answers: 1. Oh my god, no Make questions for the following answers: 1. Oh my god, no. Of course I wouldn’t. Never ever ever. 2. Ummm, I think we will… 3. Yeah, she probably should. 4. No, sorry, I can’t. 5. Him? No way. I know he couldn’t. 6. Yes, you certainly may. 7. I’d love to, but I shouldn’t. 8. No, it won’t unfortunately.
→ Does she play the piano? We go out every week. Yes/No questions: 03 3a) For the simple present for verbs other than “be”, add do / does 3b) For the simple past for verbs other than “be”, add did Examples She plays the piano. → Does she play the piano? We go out every week. → Do you go out every week? He lost his passport. → Did he lose his passport?
Make questions for the following answers: Yes, I do. No, he didn’t. It’s not true. No, she doesn’t. She’s never learned. Sure we did. Didn’t you know? I’m not 100% sure, but I think they do. Yes, believe it or not but he does. Pretty often, in fact. Yes, you did. Good job! No, they don’t. Everyone knows they don’t.
WH questions (who what where when why how) WH word Aux. verb not Subject Main verb Answer Where do you live now? Downtown. When will your friend find out? Tomorrow. Why has n’t the work been done? Because we’ve been too busy. Who(m) did he meet with? The boss of the company. Who Who = subject finished? We all have. Whose car borrow for your trip? My dad’s. How long have they been married? Just over a year. How often does your cat catch birds? At least once a week. How many (boxes) would need? About a dozen. How much (beer) should I bring? As much as possible.
WH questions → wh- + auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + main verb OR → wh- + modal verb + subject + main verb: *When the question-word is who, it acts as the subject. **In Present Simple and Past Simple tenses, there is no auxilary verb with who.
Wh questions with BE in simple present & simple past → No modal or auxiliary verb
Wh questions However… When what, who, which or whose is the subject or part of the subject, we do not use the auxiliary. We use subject + verb.
Let’s practise… Make questions with the following answers… Approximately 250. Twice a week. Only once. 500 kilograms. It’s Jennifer’s. 1985. Mrs. Cunningham. Pizza and beer. Mongolia. Because I love her. 35 centimetres or less. About twenty bucks. At least 50 kilometres. Probably an hour or more. Nine o’clock, I guess.