Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 1 Upon logging in for the first time, you will need to enter your banking information and Spanish Identification number. On the same page you will see the returns policy and will need to agree that you have read and understood this document. Click save details to continue.
Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 2 You will be taken to the home page. Using the toolbar you can visit different arears of your internet ordering system. On Here you can Place orders, makes payment, check stock, review recent orders, request a return etc. You can change the language setting on this page to your preference. Click on the GB flag for English written language and the Spain Flag for the Spanish written language Don’t forget to visit for all the up to date information and FAQ’s
Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 3 To place an order select orders. Your order reference number will be automatically generated. Input the item number and quantity needed. Click add to order. You will be given an order summary. To place an order you must order a minimum value of €180
Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 4 If you qualify for a welcome reward, you will be presented with this pop up box. Please drop down the box and select the reward you would like. This will be sent with your product order. Once you have entered everything you wish to order, you need to check your delivery address is correct. If this incorrect please contact the service centre before placing the order. Amendments can not be made once the order has been completed. Once you are happy, please select complete order.
You can search for a particular item by using the search box Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 5 If an item is out of stock. It will indicate this at time of ordering the item To check when an item will be back into stock you can go to the stock hotline. You can search for a particular item by using the search box The Stock hotline will inform you the stock status of an item and the date the item is expected back into warehouse
Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 6 To check availability of an item you can use the Stock Checker. Enter the item number (without the suffix code) and click Check Level This will show you the amount we have left in stock
Choose the report you would like to run Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 7 To view sales reports, new starter reports and other important reports on your teams development go to EZE Tracker . Choose the period you would like to view or YTD if you want year to date figures Choose the report you would like to run
Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 8 To make a payment select My Account You will be taken to Pay Safe to make payment securley You can make a payment to your account using a debit or credit card. Select the card type from the drop down box, enter the name as appears on the card and the amount you would like to pay. Select Pay Now
Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 9 To view recent transactions select My Account Select Show Recent Transactions Your recent transactions will be shown along with any payment due dates and will reflect your current balance, Credit limit and Credit Available.
To view recent orders select My Account Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 10 To view recent orders select My Account Your processed orders will be available to select from the drop down box. Select the relevant order reference number and click view order details. This will show you a copy of the items that were ordered and sent. It will give you a brief order summary at the bottom with number of items sent and Retail value of the order
To change your password or email address select My Account Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 11 To change your password or email address select My Account Enter your current password, enter the new password you wish to change to and then confirm your new password. Select update password and your new password will be saved. This password will take effect immediately. Enter the email address you wish to change too, confirm your new email address and select update email address. Your new email address will now be used for all future communications.
To process a return select Returns Spanish internet ordering system – Slide 12 To process a return select Returns This will bring up the returns form. You need to select the invoice number from the drop down box. This will automatically prefill the invoice date. Select the item you wish to return from the Item Name drop down box. It will automatically pre fill the quantity ordered in No of items. In no to return please fill in the number you would like to return. Select the reason for return. If you select Damage you will need to upload photographic evidence. If you select other you will need to put in full details in the other details text box. Once all information has been entered select Return Item. Any Items submitted for return will appear in a table at the bottom of the screen for the invoice you are currently viewing. The status will appear as pending. You will receive an email from the returns department within 3 working days informing you if the return has been accepted or rejected along with full details in line with the returns policy. Please visit to view the returns policy.