EYFS and KS1 Parent Meeting November 2015
Markland Hill School Entry in Reception 2015 190 preferences Criteria Number Statement LAC 1 Vulnerable Sibling link 14 Medical Proximity 30 total 45 pupils
Pupils on Roll November 2015 Year Group Girls Boys Total Reception 26 19 45 Year One 23 22 Year Two 21 24 Year Three Year Four 18 27 Year Five 28 46 Year Six Totals 151 165 316
School Context 2015 School National Pupils on roll 311 269 2015 School National Pupils on roll 311 269 Larger than National average % of Girls 47.6% 49.0% Lower % of girls than national average FSM 10.3% 26.0% Well below National – but variations in cohorts across the school % Ethnic Group 33.1% 30.7% Broadly average but an increasing trend of ethnic groups across the school % first language not English 13.5% 19.5% Below National average but 13 different first languages now noted across school Pupils with SEN support 6.4% 13.0% Well below national but significant variations across the cohorts With Statement or EHC plan 0.6% 1.4% % of stability 89.1% 85.9% Above national average School Deprivation Indicator 0.11% 0.24% Very low deprivation indicator
Early Years Improving attainment over time Above National Average GLD Analysis Markland Hill 2013 National expectation Markland Hill 2014 Markland Hill 2015 70% achieved a Good level of development in all areas of learning 52% 76% achieved a Good level of development in all areas of learning 60% 80% achieved a Good level of development in all areas of learning Improving attainment over time Above National Average GLD Boys attain lower than Girls but still above national average
EYFS Ranked 13 out of 102 settings in Bolton 8 – 10% above national figure in all areas of learning Strengths Speaking and listening Physical development Personal, social and emotional development Literacy Maths Expressive art Area to further develop - Technology
This is an Outstanding School’ What Ofsted said.. October 2014 The Early Years is led and managed exceptionally well. The excellent work of the teachers and teaching assistants coupled with rich and varied learning experiences helps to ensure that children make outstanding progress. P7 of the report – Early Years Provision
Year One – Phonics Assessment Markland Hill 2013 National expectation Markland Hill 2014 Markland Hill 2015 All pupils 84% 69% 75% 89% Girls 94% 73% 86% 91% 100% Boys 79% 65% 83%
What the Inspectors said about the teaching of Phonics The teaching of phonics (linking letters and sounds) is outstanding, and has been so for the last three years.
Year Two SAT results Level 1 Level 2c Level 2b Level 2a Level 3 Level 1 Level 2c Level 2b Level 2a Level 3 Subject School National Reading 100% 98% 93% 90% 87% 82% 67% 59% 36% 32% Writing 88% 84% 72% 53% 41% 33% Sig + 18% Mathematics 96% 89% 76% sig + 55% 26%
What Ofsted Said.. At the end of Key Stage 1 standards in reading, writing and maths have been well above average for the last two years. Unvalidated data for 2014 shows that these exceptionally high standards have been maintained.
What Ofsted Said… Teachers have exceptionally high expectations of what pupils are capable of achieving and are highly skilled at setting them challenging activities. This was evident in a class where Year 1 and Year 2 pupils were engaged in a wide variety of tasks. All pupils, including those with special educational needs made outstanding progress with their reading, writing and spelling activities because they were set at just the right level and teachers made their expectations clear. The most able could read and understand their learning objective which was to ‘segment and blend words’, others happily read, while those who needed extra help with their reading were supported outstandingly by teaching assistants.
Class structure 45 children in each year group Limit of 30 pupils in KS1 classes – statutory Decision made on groupings and organisation is based on the professional judgement of the Head, supported by discussions with the Teaching team and Senior Leadership Team. Take into account the attainment and progress of every child, their learning rate and favoured learning style. Need for additional support to aid learning Placement of teachers and teaching assistants in school to maximise the learning of every child in the school
What the School needs to Improve Make sure that the very small minority of pupils whose achievement is not quite as good as it should be are continually supported to ensure that they quickly catch up to their peers. HOW? Identification of pupils, Quality first teaching, Differentiation of tasks, Teaching Assistant support, Booster Groups, high expectations, challenge, close tracking to check for impact.
Priorities for 2015-17 To further increase the attainment and progress of non-SEN children who enter the year group as ‘Below’ or ‘Entering’ the age related expectation in Reading, Writing and Maths. To further increase the attainment and progress of ‘More Able’ children who enter the year group as ‘Mastering’ the age related expectation in Reading, Writing and Maths. To implement and measure the impact of the provision for the further development of pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. To develop a deeper understanding of a positive physical well – being. To further develop Middle Leaders across the school. To further implement and embed the National Curriculum across the school. To ensure that the standards and expectations are being met through the development of accurate assessments and regular monitoring. To enable subject leaders to recognise the current stage of development and identify key priorities for further development across the school.
Further Priorities 2015-17 Additional School Improvement Priorities for Curriculum Teams – 2015-17 To devise a focussed assembly themed timetable for the year – linked to special festivals and cultural themes – hymns and songs to be linked To ensure progression of Modern Languages across KS2. To introduce teaching of Spanish across KS2. To introduce and embed new PE Schemes of Work across the whole school. To ensure the new School Library is a valuable and indispensable tool for learning. To maximise learning opportunities in all outside areas To gain the Healthy School accreditation – to include a parent, children and staff team to ensure collaboration To gain the silver ECo award To introduce a Eco web page to school web-site To introduce, market and advertise the two Holiday Clubs that will be arranged for academic year 2015-16 To invest in CPD for all staff – linked to IPads To develop I Pads as a teaching tool in every classroom To target level 6 reading group To further expand the extra – curricular sports provision for all year groups in school To further develop the music curriculum across the school
Pupils Books High attaining children Clear progress High expectations Next steps in learning Marking codes Feedback given and response recorded Praise Handwriting and presentation Please look and share your comments.
Website and Twitter Please check on web-site for information for example Maths calculation policy Snow Pupil Premium Meet the Teacher presentations School calendar Twitter Photos Trips Visitors Capturing learning in the school
Any questions