Social Media CHANNEL BEST PRACTICES “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” Scott Cook, Co-Founder of Intuit Social Media CHANNEL BEST PRACTICES By Rebecca L. Cooney, MSC Clinical Assistant Professor Washington State University
BEST PRACTICES: Time & Length Pinterest pin: 2-4p and 8p-1a. Ideal size for new pin: 735px x 1102px. Pin description should be > 500 characters. LinkedIn post: 7-9a and 5-6p. Status update: 600 characters. Facebook post: 1-4p Status update: 40 characters. Video length > 45 sec. Twitter post: 1-3p New Tweet: 140 characters max. Ideal length 100 characters. Instagram caption:: 6a-12p. 2,200 characters max (cuts off after 3 lines) YouTube post: 1-3p. Video length > 3 min
Schedule posts for when most of your audience is online Post consistently Schedule posts for when most of your audience is online Create targeted messages to tell your story Target your posts (instructions) Keep post images and text fresh Respond quickly to comments Post timely content Boost important posts Publicize exclusive discounts and promotions Connect with words and pictures SOURCE: Facebook for Business SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Optimize your hashtags Customize your bio Match the message to the medium (i.e. use of hashtags) Decide on an over-arching theme for your posts Take better pictures; improve quality Focus on the entire post – not just the image Don’t just use the mobile app Embed your posts in other digital channels Use shortlinks Build community SOURCE: SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Tell your company’s story Drive traffic to your website Add the Pin It button Watch your metrics Grow your followers Tell your company’s story Drive traffic to your website Increase your reach Avoid excessive self promo Run a Pinterest contest Use guest curators Create fan-curated boards SOURCES: Pinterest for Business and SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Optimize introductions and headlines Attract an audience by aligning content to your members’ needs and interests Manage your updates – keep your audience’s attention Extend your reach – sponsor company updates to reach your full audience SOURCE: LinkedIn for Business SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Don’t just self promote – 80% conversation, 20% promo Keep posts short Don’t just self promote – 80% conversation, 20% promo Tweet in the afternoon Create @ handles Don’t use trending hashtags that have no relevance to you Post pictures Use key messages first – then links SOURCE: SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Be consistent on what you publish and frequency of posts Utilize robust tagging and multiple channels to promote videos Post during peaks in YouTube viewership Offer “snackable content” with “bite-size” videos (:16) Use multi-lingual captions to connect with more audience types Make sure videos are optimized for mobile SOURCE: TrackMaven SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Embrace the medium – Vine videos repeat Make them laugh Teach them something Embrace the medium – Vine videos repeat Invite the crowd Create campaigns – not one- offs SOURCE: Click Z SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Keep your content interesting Engage with your audience with the use of “ask” feature Tag regularly Reblog other related work – stewardship Stay active, be consistent SOURCE: WishPond SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC
Establish authority on the topic Be creative in your content – post about what your audience wants to read Be consistent with your editorial calendar and posts Create your own style of brand voice Engage with your audience – be responsive and thankful SOURCE: SOURCE: RAGAN.COM INFOGRAPHIC