Erasmus+ Project DIRES Disability-Inclusive schools- Respect-Europe- Social dialogue Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (LTT) Europe and Inclusion of all in Erasmus + projects and mobilities ISC Passage de Graville 91 620 LA VILLE DU BOIS
Summary Unesco’s view about Inclusion 9 May in Europe and at the ISC school Presentation of the 6 schools Germany Ireland Italy Turkey France DIRES CONCLUSION: Europe MAN
UNESCO’S view about Inclusion : A positive answer to Diversity “A dynamic approach of Responding positively to students diversity and Seeing individual differences not as problems, but as opportunities for enriching learning” Recommandes Accessible and flexible curricula at school Student friendly learning environment Quality in education
Matera in Italy : European capital 2019
Europe Day AT THE ISC SCHOOL with the DIRES ERASMUS + project (2015-2017) 44 participants of 5 countries and 6 schools 24 Mainstream and Special Educational Needs Students, 17 staff, 3 headmasters 7 Mobilities in the DIRES partnerschools with more as 186 participants Working on pedagogical topics With inclusiv strategies for mainstream and special educational needs students In multicultural innovativ workshops
DIRES ISC France at the ISC SCHOOL 8-14 May 2016
School : 990 students ULIS :10 students High School: 530 students College of Alzon School : 990 students ULIS :10 students High School: 530 students High school Jean-Paul II Teachers : 90
DIRES PROJECT a European pedagogical project for schools
Multicultural and inclusiv visits and events Participants Conference at the ISC: 150 Workshops: 80 Mont Saint Michel: 69 Paris: 53 Event with the families: 150
Kamishibaï with Christine Music with Patrice Multicultural inclusiv pedagogical workshops as Student friendly learning environment Kamishibaï with Christine Music with Patrice Cooking French macarons with Marie-Anatolie Treasure Hunt with Frédérique, Janos and Mikael Handcraft for all with Nicole «Our Europe man» with Nurdan
WORKSHOP: European tales in form of Kamishibaï with Christine and the ULIS The students in binational inclusive groups will prepare a short traditional tale of their country in English and in their national language and present it to the other delegations.
WORKSHOP: Music skills with Patrice
Let’s scat together! Wherever you go, all over the world, you can use music as an instrument of communication even between people who doesn’t speak the same language. Music notes have no nationality…But what about the lyrics? Ragtime and jazz musicians have given us a positive answer called SCAT. Scat singing is a vocal improvisation with wordless vocables, nonsense syllabes wich helps to increase special abilities as improvisation, sense of rythm, culture of listening the other,conscience of your place in a group, self confidence… A few years ago, as a musicien, I had the opportunity to play with a great scat singer. When I asked him how did he manage to become such a good singer, he answered me that, younger, he was a « dislexic stutterer ». So he started to scat not from choice but because he couldn’t sing like his friends. Nowadays, many speech therapists use scat singing as a speech therapy and musicians still use it for fun (or when they forget the lyrics of a song during a live show). So I invite you to scat together, whatever is your language, music always welcomes everybody.
WORKSHOP: Cooking together with Marie-Anatolie French macarons: Blue, White and Red The students cooking in multicultural inclusive groups will become the illustrated recipe of macarons and will prepare them in three colours: Blue, White and Red!!!
WORKSHOP: Treasure hunt with Frédérique, Janos and Mikael All the students, SEN and mainstream, will run in multicultural groups through the parc of the ISC school and help together to find… the treasure…
WORKSHOP: Handcrafts with Nicole The students in multicultural inclusive groups will made scoubidous and Eifel towers in blue, white and red paper with the help of French students. It will be very funny and … not so easy!!
WORKSHOP: « DIRES Europe Man » with Nurdan Each delegation will collect ten pictures with famous monuments or people who are representativ of the country. The students will stick them on a man shape whose head is the European flag.