General Superintendent Careers and Jobs in Construction Cory Abourezk General Superintendent
Light Rail Construction Over 150 construction workers on the Light Rail West Line. Men and Women.
After just Two Years some Employees are making $29.00 an hour. Pay begins at $14.00 an hour. After just Two Years some Employees are making $29.00 an hour.
Light Rail West Line Construction Tips for Getting Job! Light Rail West Line Construction Should be 18 and have a dependable driving record. Have to be able to carry up to 50 pounds. When you apply ask to speak with the Boss-Superintendent. Be Positive! Explain How Much You Would Like to Work There!
Work Ethic Universally Appreciated! Mr. Abourezk has over a thousand applications of people who want to work for him. He wants a person with a strong work ethic! Mr. Abourezk says that he is looking for these work qualities in his employees: Always showing up on time or early Self Starter Finishing a duty than asking for the next one Availability/Flexible Schedule Truthfulness Good Team Worker
Other Items to consider: Drug Testing at initial hiring as well as at random times. Profanity or inappropriate behavior is not tolerated. It is important to represent yourself well with the community. References (Build a Resume) Past Employers, Teachers, Administrators, People who will say what a good worker you are. Mr. Abourzek has asked references, “The Economy is bad and I have a thousand apps in front of me, would you put this guy at the top of the list?”
Things to consider for a Career in Construction Construction as a practical career helps with a college education, Construction management, etc. You can get a job without a college education it just might be a little bit harder. Good with math- It is getting smarter. Trick: Find the Boss-Superintendent when applying for a job. Be willing to relocate.
Cory Abourezk General Superintendent Not hiring currently but a good time to meet before the hiring season May. Cory Abourezk General Superintendent DTCG Denver Transit Construction 10455 West 6th Avenue Suite 150 Lakewood, CO 80215 Office 303-238-2240 Cell 303-435-7163
The Following slides are from Mr. Abourezk’s original presentation.
INTRODUCTION Construction careers and opportunities The importance of light rail and transit to thriving communities Greetings and pictures from DTCGJV Denver Transit Construction Group, a Joint Venture of Herzog Inc. and Stacy and Witbeck General Engineering, Inc.
Construction as a practical career With a college education and a degree in Construction Management or Civil Engineering (CM or CE) there are many possibilities open to any eager individual including Project Engineering or Management. Without continued education or degrees there are STILL many opportunities available to any eager individual, using the “learn while you earn” approach, including Project Engineering or Management.
Construction as a great career The Field Constructors Approach to Owning the Business; There are always abundant opportunities for entry level positions in most construction fields. Most jobs have a high percentage of “unskilled labor” seeded into the workforce. The trick to getting into one of these starting positions is to find the Superintendent in charge and meet them face to face. Be positive, always positive. Once you’re in, become indispensable. Work ethic is universally appreciated. After a period of time, and paying your dues by being a steady performer, the outstanding people become foremen. Outstanding foremen become superintendents and the best supers become General Superintendent. From top superintendents come the industries leaders and presidents of construction companies nationwide. Only about half of these are college graduates.
Construction Opportunities Although union companies do exist in Colorado the principal workforces in the state are manned by non-union personnel. What this means to the average person looking for work is that there are good paying positions available for anyone who shows a talent for; Labor work (For grading, paving, walls, pipe and utilities, track construction, structural concrete, cleanup, storm water pollution management, etc.) Carpentry Concrete finishing Heavy equipment operation So many other trades.
Civil work and Walls
Civil work and Walls
Wall Building
More Wall Building 500,000 Total Square Feet.
Light Rail Construction Why light rail? Historically, transit construction opportunities have improved as the economy has worsened making light rail construction companies somewhat recession-proof. We build across the nation giving employees the opportunity to move with the company and see more of this great country. Most forward thinking metropolitan urban planners realize that new highway construction , through already crowded corridors, simply takes too much space and a rapid transit alternative is sought.
Track Construction
Light Rail Discussion Why light rail? Sperlings Best Places for 2008 listed the top five cities to live in America. Of these cities four of them had light rail transit servicing the downtown areas. In the last two years we are seeing a trend in our industry leaning towards mixed transit options such as streetcar systems linked to light rail systems and hopefully, in the near future, high speed rail systems connecting major cities light rail lines. As cities in America reach a population critical mass, the importance of easy to use transit systems increases. Open discussion?