Update on pixel module interfaces On behalf of INFN Milano Mauro Citterio On behalf of INFN Milano
A “simplified bus” as a test reference The prototype (1.8 x 11.2 cm) after several delays were delivered last Friday Visual inspection: quality and uniformity is high Received 20 pieces CERN Technology Stackup made of: Aluminum, polimide and glue Various traces on the same structure to compare simulation and actual BUS To test the technological limits in term of frequency (signal up to 160 MHz, 32bit BUS) Four layers bus 2 planes (each 25 mm thick) power and ground 2 signal layers Signal lines with and without corners on the same layer Signal lines on the two layers connected by means of minimum size vias Lines with different overall lenghts, with and without bends Striplines and microstrips, differential lines Min Pads/Vias 150/50 mm, Line widht: Min. ~ 75 mm, Max. 200 mm
Trace Impedance simulated to 50 W Data generated with CERN input The dielectric thickness adjusted to increase Z (~ 40 mm) Line widht at the “nominal” minimum (~75 mm) Simulation did not take into account “Modal Impedance” Actual ine space is not more then 75 mm if less it will not affect Z but it will increases NEXT (to be measured) Not minimum thickness “Plane layers” thickness is 25 mm, Aluminum signal lines are 10 mm Total thickness of prototypes is approximately: ~ 160 mm More accurate measurements in progress Layup will also be measured
The “updated” prototype bus stack-up Not an “enclosed stackup” power/ground layers are on the bottom as in the final bus stackup Signal lines are “embedded” microstrips due to the “cover layer” cover layer assumed to be electrically equivalent to Polymide (!!) trace impedance reduces with increasing height of cover layer the cover layer increases the trace capacitance while leaving its inductance unchanged propagation delay goes also up Core Polymide (40 m) could be thicker than previously simulated 1st layer signal traces “cover layer” ground plane 2nd layer signal traces 155 µ Glue 5µ - er = 4.5 Polyimide 40µ - er = 3.5 Aluminium 25µ Aluminium 10µ Polyimide 20µ - er = 3.5
Bus Modal Impedance simulation Impedance of coupled traces split up to as many modal impedances as many lines are coupled for two lines the modes are called even and odd if stand alone single trace Z02 = L/C then for two traces Z0e2 = (L + LM) /(C-CM) > Z02 Z0o2 = (L-LM)/(C+CM) < Z02 for multi-lines structure the modes are numbered A better simulation of a trace impedance in the bus is obtained by adding traces to a single 50 ohm trace. only the Z0e mode is considered the increase in impedance is larger for s/h decreasing the simulation is “not simmetrical” and “ideal” our case 6-7 coupled traces Z ~ 61-63 Ohm reasonable approximation
Bus Impedance Measurements Impedance is measured by Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) by probing the lines (contact not optimized yet) to explore the trace along its lenght ~ 2 mm resolution via, bend, split etc. effects visible if any Z precision is ~ 1- 2 % propagation time measurable only after trace structure “modeling”, i.e. reflections must be taken into account it could be used for differential lines one port measurement The results are still “preliminary” DUT Sampling Osciloscope with a TDR Module Vinc Z1 Z2 Vrefl
Impedance of traces of various lenght Data generated with CERN input The dielectric thickness adjusted to increase Z (~ 40 mm) Line widht at the “nominal” minimum (~75 mm) Simulation did not take into account “Modal Impedance” Actual ine space is not more then 75 mm if less it will not affect Z but it will increases NEXT (to be measured) “Plane layers” thickness is 25 mm, Aluminum signal lines are 10 mm Total thickness of prototypes is approximately: ~ 160 mm More accurate measurements in progress Layup will also be measured Not minimum thickness
Impedance Measurements End of a trace (un-terminated) Probe contact (large parasitic inductance) 59 ohm injection line Trace impedance Impedance for traces of different lenght Trace lenght is estimated from the layout due to “large contact reflection” Trace impedance is > 60 Ohm Modal impedance has to be considered Impedance is lenght dependent Traces are not homegenuos?
Impedance Measurements 75 micron traces (designed as single 50 ohm traces Impedance is not homegenous between nominal identical traces Trace numbering goes from top – down (trace 1 is the one at the top Is glue (i.e. Prepreg not homegenuos? Is polymide core thicker then expected? Is a modal impedence effect? If so why are differnt mode excited with the same measurement
Impedance Measurements traces with increasing with (75, 150, 225 micron) 75 micron trace, by design 50 Ohm Impedance scales nicely with trace widht The blue line are CAD designed value based on single 50 Ohm trace The larger measured Z is consistent with the multiple coupled trace hypotesis
Signal Integrity Simulations To study the performance of the Bus, we have simulated the signal propagation using XILINX VIRTEX-5 driver and receiver: for which IBIS models are available a driver/receiver similar to the one expected in the front-end electronics is used (LVCMOS12_S_8) these block will be used in our test setup. In the figure an “ideal” scenario is shown: - Termination at the receiving end, based on the bus impedance The signal has160 MHz frequency and 49 % duty cycle The shape is “extracted” by means of the IBIS models The driver sends out a 1.2 Volt signal at 8 mA
Signal Integrity Measurement The two figures are: Top picture: short trace ~ 24 mm Bottom picture: long trace ~ 85 mm Yellow: injected signal Green: signal at the receiving end Delay between signals is set-up dependent Termination at the receiving end based on the “nominal 50 ohm” bus impedance otherwise excessive distortion The signal has 200 MHz frequency and 50 % duty cycle Note: Amplitude are not equalized (!!!) SORRY !!! Comparison with simulation is the next step
Ongoing Activity Layout of a BUS for up to 3 front-end IC “FE 32x128” While improving our understandng of the bus property a “semi real” bus design is in progress Detailed design will need input from measurement - In this bus design, the IC pad structure are taken into account Decoupling capacitor need to be mounted directly on the power plane no via available to the bus-top 3D feasibility study almost completed D 1 V BUS width: 8.7 mm 300 mm Space for signal layer: 7.5 mm D G N Caps 0102 size 400 mm D 1 G N
3D Models of a three IC assembly Critical issue: the “area opening on the power planes to allow decoupling cap mounting It is a new task for CERN The size of the openings is only the “best guess”
3D Models of a three IC assembly
Conclusions Prototype bus workmanship: Impedance measurements: Not enough time for a complete evaluation First impression: the quality is high The construction took a very long time The “prototype” has three electrical layers The final bus will have at least nine electrical layers Second source manufacturer should be identified Impedance measurements: Measurements are encouraging Not all measurements are understood theoretically Some ideas to be investigated more Signal integrity: Attenuation on long traces needs a better model More measurements needed Essentail is the measurement of the crosstalk between lines when “all traces” on the bus are active