Reception Welcome to
Early Years Practitioner Reception MEET THE TEACHERS Mrs K Clayton Class teacher Miss J Kemp Early Years Practitioner Mrs J Meiklejohn Teacher- P.P.A cover
Expectations in Reception Children Parents Polite Becoming more independent Kindness Care for others and things around them Change for PE themselves Have fun and learn! Children are sent to school everyday Arrive on time (by 8:55am) Children are in full uniform PE Kit in school every day Book bags are brought to school daily Communication
Reception General timetable MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Self-registration, lunch choice and good morning 8:45-9.:00am Small group activities P. E Independent Learning Assembly 10:15-10:30 Celebration assembly 10:30-10:45 Phonics session Lunch 11:45-1:10pm Laptops Library Sharing of Home Learning P.P.A (Mrs. Meiklejohn) Home time 3.15pm
Housekeeping Reception *Beginning of the day-encouraging independence *Mrs Meiklejohn to cover P.P.A *Inform staff of any special events or celebrations which we can share with your child *Buddies *Library-Thursday *Talents! *Specific adults collecting from school
HOME LEARNING Reception Home Learning When to complete Photographs Drawings Pictures Creations Children’s quotes 1 piece every 2 weeks to start initially. However special celebrations and festivities can be recorded at any time! Home reading At least four times a week! Wow moments When a wow moment occurs!
HOME LEARNING Reception 50 things before you’re 11 ¾. Initially we would like you to have a go at completing 1 or 2 of the challenges that the rest of the school have been having a go at over the summer holidays. We will be making a whole school display to celebrate the children’s achievements and it would be fantastic if Reception could be part of this too. Please send in a photo of your child completing 1 of the 50 challenges! See attached leaflet and letter for further details
READING RECORDS Reception Initially sent home once we have started the phonics sessions Each Friday a copy of the sounds and words your child has been learning will be included. Please sign to say you have seen this. When your child starts bringing home a R.W.Inc book, the reading record will be used to record comments. It will be checked weekly by the adult who does R.W.Inc with your child. It will be expected that you read with your child daily. Please date and sign with any comments. Feel free to add any books that you and your child are enjoying together.
Reception IMPORTANT DAYS TO NOTE Roald Dahl Day Wednesday 13th September Harvest Festival Friday 28th September 9:05 am Reception and Year 6 buddy assembly Tuesday 3rd October 9:05am Autumn Parents Consultations Tuesday 10th October 3:30-6:30 pm Thursday 12th October 6-8:30 pm Nasal Flu Immunisations Wednesday 18th October Half Term Monday 23rd October- Friday 27th October Occasional Day-No school for children Friday 1st December Early Years Workshop Wednesday 8th November 7-8:30pm Early Years Nativity Performance Wednesday 13th December 9:00am Christmas Dinner Wednesday 13th December Carol singing at Kimpton Church Thursday 14th December 1:45-3:15pm Christmas Jumper Day Friday 15th December Last day of term Tuesday 19th December 1:30pm
Communication and where to find it…. Reception Communication and where to find it…. Class weekly newsletter – Schoolcomms every Friday evening School weekly newsletter – every Friday School Website Twitter – This contains a range of things we are celebrating and gives more of an insight into what is going on in school. Texts from the office.
OPEN DOOR POLICY Reception Our door is always open. Please ask if you are unsure about anything. We are here to support you and your child. Let us know about any significant events or changes, moving house, new childcare arrangements etc.
Reception Any Questions?