Welcome to Sermon Illustration in Buddhist Perspectives Workshop Holiness Writer’s Conference Asia Pacific Region
Introduction (Only if we have time) Kindly introduce yourself Name: Calling name Family Background Home City/ Country Ministry (if you are a full time minister) Example: I am Pastor Jubilee. I am a married man and have two Sons. I live in Yangon. I am a pastor, an evangelist and a professor. I love preaching and writing.
Group Activity: Buddhist’s Identity In your group, please discuss these questions: What is the relationship of Buddhist people to nature? What do they believe about life? Why do they build so many religious buildings and doing many charitable works?
Quick Buzz: What is a parable? A parable can be a simple short story or fact about everyday objects and experiences that teach a moral or spiritual lesson. Why do we need illustration for holiness sermon? Psalm 78:2 “I will open my mouth with a parables; I will utter hidden things, things from old.” Story or word picture help the listener to understand and remember longer
Biblical Principal Did Jesus ever illustrate in his teaching and preaching? Almost 35% of Jesus’ words in the Gospels are illustrations that included a story, parable, word picture, allegory, simile or metaphor. There are 51 different stories and parables in the Gospels
Biblical Principal Paul’s Illustration for Pagan World- Acts 17:22-31 An Unknown God – Jesus Christ, the Creator ‘We are his offspring’- Children of God What can we find in Buddhist Perspectives that can be used to illustrate the Gospel?
Buddhist Theological Concept Buddhist Perspectives Biblical/ Christian Perspective Three Jewelry: God, Word, & Monk Trinity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Gratitude: paying back for what we receive by honoring, tending, respecting, bowing down Grace: God has given us his own son for all human kinds, we can pay back by worshiping, honoring, living for Him Karma: eternal debt as a result of life circles in the past (wut chui) Sin: result of Adam’s sin in the past Karma Exit: free from eternal debt, reaching to nirvana (heaven) Salvation: eligible to enter into eternity (heaven) Merit: erasing eternal debt/ karma by doing good to all Atonement: Jesus’ payment for human sin Mitta: endless kindness and mercy to all living beings and things Agape: selfless love to all Karuh-na: doing something for the one who needs help Compassion: a heart with action for needy people Muhdita: good wish/ will to all Discernment: thoughtful for others, be cheerful
Use of Illustrations by Jesus and Buddha Told 51 stories within 3.5 years Told 547 stories within 40 years Proactive for telling stories Inactive for telling stories Use common words from everyday life Use stanzas or poems that need further explanation Not judge the listeners, but want to know their deep desire (John 5:5-6) Judge the present life as the cause of the past Use word pictures Use animal stories Honor the Father by telling stories Exalt himself by telling his past life stories Tell human relational focus stories Tell human, animal, angels, and plants Modify illustration depending on circumstances of the listeners Repeat the same stories for different people Use objects and stories in the context Use same context for 100 stories Tangible and Realistic Illustrations Mystical and Unrealistic Illusions
Paul’s Wisdom for the Gospel 1Cor. 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
Practical: Holiness Theme Bible Reference Bible References Holiness 2Pet. 1:21 Self-Discipline 1Pet.1:13; 2Pet. 1:5-8 Faithfulness Num.12:7; 2Tim.2:13 Diligence Deut. 28:1; Prov.21:5 Loving God Deut.6:5 Purity Ps. 51:10 Loving Family 1Tim.3:4; Eph.5:33 Optimism Ps. 27:13-14 Loving Others Luk.10:27; Enthusiasm Eph. 6:6-8 Forgiveness Matt.6:15; Heb.8:12 Compassion Mk. 6:34; Eph. 4:32 Patience 2Pet. 3:9,15 Persistence Luke 18:1-8 Joy Phil.4:4 Alertness Mark 13:33 Contentment Prov. 19:23; Phi.411-13 Discernment 1Kig.3:5-14; Prov.18:15 Humbleness Eph.4:2-3; Luk.14:11 Obedience Joh. 14:15; Acts 5:29 Honesty Prov. 12:17,19 Generosity 2Cor. 9:10-11
Guide: Practical Writing Study the teaching of Buddha You may find some stories told by Buddha that enlighten the biblical holiness teaching Study the Buddhist’s festival events You may find some values of the celebration that reflect the biblical holiness teaching Study contemporary Buddhist’s books You may find some phrases and new stories that reflect the biblical holiness teaching
Language Group Group into your language group Choose a leader Each group will have discussion, sharing and writing the Illustrations in the worksheet