The role of social services for early childhood development Roundtable „From policies to outcomes – ECD services in the spotlight“ 9 March 2017 The role of social services for early childhood development Vessela Banova
Social services for children in the early age ASA opens, changes the type and capacity, and closes services that are delegated by the state; Municipalities want all new services to be delegated by the state because they are financed from the state budget; Most social services for children and families have been developed after the adoption of the Child Protection Act and are the result of its implementation in Bulgaria. I.e. they are the result of the implementation of the commitments of the Bulgarian state in relation to the UNCRC. Social services for children in the early age
Social services for children in the early age The process of deinstitutionalisation: a major driver in the development of social services for children and families; Development of public-private partnership /the mayor manages services in the municipality or entrusts them to an external supplier/ Monitoring and control of social services for children and families / licensing criteria and standards, control /; Social services for children in the early age
Social services for children and families Highly differentiated - accessible after a risk to the child is identified; Access is mostly regulated by the CPD; Old financial standards; Rigid and restrictive methods of work. Social services for children and families "Mother and Baby“ Units Daycare Centres for Children with Disabilities Centres for Community Support Centres for Social Rehabilitation and Integration Centres for Street Children Foster care Residential care
Интегрирани услуги за деца в ранна възраст Универсални социални услуги Arise and develop as part of NGO projects in partnership with municipalities; They are aimed at solving specific problems and bridging gaps between different sectors. Интегрирани услуги за деца в ранна възраст Универсални социални услуги
Family Consultative Centres: Novi Pazar, Veliki Preslav, Shumen
Family Consultative Centres Universal service with open access
Family Consultative Centre Mapping: Proactive identification of risks
Family Consultative Centres Programming approach that takes into account not only the risk, but the culture and values, characteristics, relationships and dynamics.
Family Consultative Centre Mobility and flexibility; Involvement of parents and extended family; Covers newborns, infants and young children.
Family Consultative Centre: integrated service Access to health care; Supporting parents and changing attitudes; School support and prevention of dropping out of school; Mediators liaise between the family, the municipality and other institutions. Family planning and improving health education. Identification of problems in mental health, information and referral.
Daycare center for children with disabilities / weekly care /
DCCD Appears as project funded by OPHRD as a service for "early intervention" Target group: infants and toddlers with disabilities and / or mental health problems. Support and involvement of parents; Mobility
DCCD Sustainability: social service and delegated by the state; Result: extremely limited capacity; Access regulated by the CPD with the possibility of the contract with parents to be sign on-site. Target group at the moment: children at an early age with mental disorders and their parents
Integrated services for children in the early age in the social sphere Risks and Challenges: Problematic sustainability; Loss of integrated and universal nature of the service; Loss of accumulated and built resource. Integrated services for children in the early age in the social sphere