2016 Sustainability Awards Categories High schools Primary schools Early childcare centres Student leadership Criteria Creativity and innovation Educational and environmental outcomes Project’s reach through school/childcare Student involvement and leadership
Nominees Montessori East - Green Gradz Rose Bay Secondary College - Hardy Street Harvest Family Day Care Sydney Wide (Randwick) – Bush Tucker Garden Clovelly Public School - Waste Warriors Maroubra Bay Public School - Recycling Reprogramming
High School WINNER
Rose Bay Secondary College Winner High School Category Rose Bay Secondary College Hardy Street Harvest is a project undertaken by students with special needs Students maintain a 7-bed worm farm and sell worm tea in reused milk bottles Funds raised by selling worm tea were used to create a herb and vegetable garden Garden is maintained by the children and the produce is sold, generating more funds for the project
Primary School WINNER
Clovelly public school Winner Primary School Category Clovelly public school Waste Warriors is an SRC initiative that has been recently implemented school-wide Students carry out waste and energy audits Rewards system for students who clean up the playground and recycle Raised funds at a World Environment Day event and held a Fossil Fuel-Free Friday for Earth Hour Mobile phone recycling collection
Early Childhood WINNER
Family day care Sydney wide – Randwick south Sydney Winner Early Childhood Centre Category Family day care Sydney wide – Randwick south Sydney The Bush Tucker Garden project is part of a wider program that explores local indigenous cultures at the centre Six raised garden beds are looked after by children aged from 12 months to 3 years old Recycled bush rocks used Children helped plant the seedlings and are learning to care for them Learning about the cycle of growing and food production
Student Leadership WINNER
Montessori east Winner Student Leadership Category Green Gradz is a Year 6 student initiative aimed to raise funds to support a Thai orphanage Students worked at an orphanage in Thailand and recognised the need to fund more teachers Students formed an organic fruit & vegetable distribution business, with the help of parents Students order, receive and divide food into boxes that are sold to the community The monthly profits of the business pays the salary of a Thai teacher
Judges Award WINNER
Maroubra bay public school Winner Judge’s Award Category Maroubra bay public school Recycling Reprogramming is a waste initiative by the SRC to address the misuse of rubbish bins across the school SRC students wanted to put REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE high on the school’s agenda The students developed a cost plan and are conducting an education program across the school Students undertook a fundraising initiative to pay for recycling upgrades The campaign gained momentum across the school featuring in the newsletter and school assembly
Congratulations to all our 2016 award recipients!