1. Reframing our specializations and M’Ed’s: Creating new Educational Specializations (EDSA) for graduate education and some ugrad program discussion areas, including: Revise: Adult Learning and Higher Education (include ugrad programs?), Counselling Psychology, Curriculum and Learning, Language and Literacy (Special Education?), Leadership, Curriculum and Learning Sciences, Research Methods??? , and ????. Create: A Graduate Studies Admissions Committee Create: A representative-chair for each group
2. Representative Role Description - EDSA Rep Role Descriptions: key facilitator of EDSA group, one position available for each of the EDSAs within the Graduate Programs in Education: represent their respective GPE specialization and act as a liaison between the Membership and the Association assist and participate in the planning, coordination, and execution of GPE events, advocacy, and initiatives organizing social, academic, or other events within the EDSA or with other EDSAs organizing and/or facilitating research colloquium sessions with the Research Office building and maintaining networking/communication through email lists, facebook groups, or other social media meeting/communicating regularly with the EDSA chair to remain updated with EDSA events and news, and report to GPESA sharing students' accomplishments (e.g. awards, publications, presentations) with the Faculty of Education (e.g. through EDSA Chair's report to FEC) attending EDSA meetings advocating for EDSA perspectives at GPESA meetings and on Faculty of Education or University committees
3.1 Faculty of Education (MUN) Graduate Studies i. The Master of Education (Educational Leadership Studies) is designed to prepare candidates for leadership in Education. See below on diplomas and ED’d ii. The Master of Education (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies) provides opportunities for students to investigate pertinent issues in these interrelated areas from a variety of perspectives: philosophical, historical, social, cultural, cognitive, and technological. The conceptual bases of curriculum, teaching, and learning are explored and analysed along with related examples of historical and current policies and practices. The program encourages the development of broad-based insights into issues related to these areas through an emphasis on critical inquiry and reflective practice. It supports students in the development and enhancement of research capabilities and professional expertise and practice. ADD Sub-specialization: The ‘subjects,’ ‘assessment, and teaching practices (STEa2M) ADD Sub-specialization: Language and Literacy Group (Language, Literacies, and Early Learning????) ADD Sub-specialization: Social Context in Education (Social Studies, Social Advocacy, Foundations, Critical Studies, and ?
3.2 Faculty of Education (MUN) Graduate Studies iii. The Master of Education (Information Technology) is offered in partnership with the Cape Breton University (CBU). It is designed to facilitate the educational use of information technology in a wide variety of settings. The programme will be of interest to educators at all levels including K-12 teachers, school administrators, those in the post-secondary system, business and industry, as well as those in most other adult learning situations. REVIEW: Continue, renew, or move away? iv. The Master of Education (Post-Secondary Studies) program is designed to prepare graduates for employment in a variety of roles in informal and formal post-secondary learning environments (including academic, adult, professional, technical trades, and professional education, and student services/development). The program of study, which may be completed via on-line distance education, consists of courses designed to facilitate a study of post-secondary educational systems through an examination of their foundations, directions, organization, and administration as well as curriculum and instructional development options for occupational preparation and adult education. v. The Master of Education (Counselling Psychology) is to prepare highly knowledgeable, skilled, dedicated, and ethical professional practitioners, who will endeavour to enhance human potential throughout the life span and who can effectively practice within a variety of settings. vi. The Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literature and Cultures) is designed for teachers of French and French immersion who wish to learn more about Francophone literature and culture to enhance their practice and improve their French language skills. MOVE: Remove or move Language and Literacy Group ADD: New degrees of interest (See list of diploma ideas for example)
3.3 Graduate Diploma Programs Current Diplomas: The Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership Studies The Graduate Diploma in Post-Secondary Studies (Health Professional Education) MODIFY: Design your own - Any for courses in a specialization (2 from existing core and 1 closed elective, and 1 elective) CREATE: Specific GRAD Diploma (4 courses) in key areas: The Free Certificate in Teaching, Computer assisted learning, Counseling, Autism and learning disabilities, the Principal’s certificate, School Based Assessment, Leadership in the Alternative Schools, STEM Education, Experiential and/or Outdoor Education And ??? [online, face to face, or blended?] Note: Students enrolled in the Diploma programs may request transfer to the Master of Education programs.
4. Reframing our Doctoral specializations The Ph.D. in Education program enables candidates to pursue a rigorous and in- depth specialization in … MODIFY: Support the ID PhD CREATE: Ph’D cohorts with targeted enrollment MOVE: PhD Committee to Graduate Studies Committee CREATE: ED’d in Leadership, Adult and Higher Education, Learning Technology, Language and Literacy, … ??? Talk Tuesday 10am to 11:30am in the Arts Room on 4th floor. Regards, Kirk