THE HEART OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Alphacrucis Professional Development Day Inspirational Incarnational Formational A Transforming Vision of Hope
A key responsibility of the teacher is to define reality
LIVING AT THE CROSSROADS (M.Goheen & C.Bartholomew)
SECULARISM Secularists believe that life should be conducted as if God does not exist (based on scientific humanism). The social expression of this is materialism (consumerism). They are willing for people to have their own personal beliefs as long as they do not expect society to take any account of these beliefs Secularists believe that all decisions must be made on the basis of reason not revelation
THE SECULAR EDUCATION NARRATIVE Western education aims to help students to learn the information and skills they need to : Achieve a better life for the individual and to contribute to society (defined in economic terms) Embrace social equity- accept secular democratic values (tolerance, autonomy...) Construct truth and meaning for one’s own private world. THE SECULAR EDUCATION NARRATIVE
CLARITY IN OUR CALL TO BE A TEACHER Clarity about the gospel of Christ – deep immersion Clarity about our cultural times – sincere engagement Clarity about the nature of a school – grateful participation Clarity about ourselves – genuine reflection/evaluation CLARITY IN OUR CALL TO BE A TEACHER
THE BIBLICAL NARRATIVE The Old Testament Act 1: The Creation (Genesis 1 & 2) Act 2: The Fall (Genesis 3 – 11) Act 3: Israel (Genesis 12 – Malachi) This metanarrative is a great story or drama about the Creator God unfolding in the following way. The New Testament Act 4: The Life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus (the Gospels) Act 5: The Church (Acts – Revelation) God’s People - We are Here Act 6: The Consummation of the New Creation (Revelation)
THE VISION OF SHALOM Relationship to God Oneself Others Creation Mercy Peace Prosperity Forgiveness Justice Equity Each person flourishes and his or her God-given rights are met
LIVING AN ALTERNATIVE VISION “The reality of our rebirth should mess with us” (Shane Claiborne: The Irresistible Revolution) “Now is the time for the life affirmers and the enlargers to show whether they have anything to say, whether they have any food for the great hungers of humanity.” (Manning Clark, historian)
What is Truth CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Creed (our narrative) Community (embodies the Gospel) Call (our purpose in God’s plan) Confident Hope (in our future destiny)
Bringing hope to people through Our Vision Bringing hope to people through effective education and sustainable community development
Aims of Effective Teaching & Learning Seeks to be a shalom community that provides the context for learning and growth Seeks to raise up responsive disciples of Jesus who live under his rule in the world and reflect His character in all of life Seeks to equip students To undertake God’s creational purposes in the world To be effective members of their families, the Body of Christ and their communities
The Role of Teachers “Teachers are the storytellers of the tribe” (K. Eagan) Teachers unfold truth through the teaching and learning
What is Truth CURRICULUM To trace the wonder and wisdom of God’s design
NEW HOPE INTERNATIONAL WORKS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SCHOOLS IN Australia New Zealand Philippines Indonesia PNG Tonga Solomon Is Vanuatu Uganda Kenya Cote Thailand Nepal Myanmar Pakistan Through The Effective Teaching and Learning Series Introduction to Effective Teaching and Learning Approaches to Teaching and Learning Implementing an Effective Curriculum Professional Learning Courses in Christian Education for teachers in Australian schools Supporting Service-Learning Programs in schools Promoting School Partnerships with overseas schools
NEW HOPE INTERNATIONAL Linking schools to service opportunities Living the vision Shalom Training teachers in Christian education
Redemptive dissent and renewal DARE TO BE DIFFERENT – DANIEL AND HIS FRIENDS Redemptive dissent and renewal They refused to bow to the idols of the culture They had the courage of their convictions shaped by their story Confident assurance that God’s kingdom could not be shaken They brought renewal to the culture