With Christ at our centre, we love, listen and learn. Gospel Values Faithfulness Integrity Dignity Compassion Humility Gentleness Truth Justice Forgiveness Mercy Purity Holiness Tolerance Peace Service Sacrifice Service With Christ at our centre, we love, listen and learn.
What is service? What is service? The act of service In this letter Paul encourages the Corinthians to live as God’s friends. And he asks them to donate money for poor Christians in another country. The letter reminds us to love God and care for one another.
Where can we see service in the Bible? Jesus Wants Us to Help Others Know Him (Matthew 28:1-20) EYFS God wants us to Help Other People (James 2:14-24) KS1 Servants of the New Covenant (Corinthians 2:3-6) KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy1DpebexTQ - Joseph and his Brothers – beginners Bible Read and discuss how service s is shown in one or more of these Bible stories.
Have you ever seen anyone show service? How can we show service?
Faithfulness = Malachi Integrity = Zechariah Dignity = Daniel Compassion = Jeremiah Humility = Job Gentleness = Isaiah Truth = Judith Justice = Esther Forgiveness Mercy = Tobit Purity = Esther Holiness = Samuel Tolerance = Ruth Peace = Joshua Service = Genesis Sacrifice = Ellen C