Plant Identification Week 13
Purple Passion, Velvet Plant Gynura surantiaca ‘Sarmentosa’ Semi-trailing/twining vine Purple hairs cover all stems and foliage Leaves are lance shaped and lobed Small, dandelion-like flowers produce a disagreeable odor
Amaryllis Hippeastrum hybrid cv. Bulbous plant that may produce foliage prior to, during, or after blooming Long strap like medium-green leaves Large, showy, trumpet-like flowers are produced on long, hollow, leafless, stalks and are born in groups of 4-6 blooms Colors – white, yellow, orange, red, picotee, striped, or with colored tips
Plantain Lily Hosta undulata Plant shape is mounded due to overlapping foliage and comes in a variety of sizes Most common leaf shapes are ovate, rounded, heart Leaves may be yellow, green, grey-green, bluish, or variegated with many patterns and colors Flowers are white, pink, lavender, or blue and are borne on one sided spikes Flowers can be bell, funnel, or spider-shaped
Wax Plant Hoya carnosa Succulent twining vine Thick, waxy, dark green oval, 2-4 inch leaves Small, waxy flowers grown in tight clusters of up to 20 star shaped flowers Five pointed, cream colored, fragrant petals surround a central pink star