A.C.S.A. Annual General Meeting 27th November 2015 1
Welcome and introduction to proceedings Agenda Welcome and introduction to proceedings Alun Evans, Chairman Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on Friday 28th November 2014 Report of the Management Committee Receipt of the Accounts year ended 31st July 2015 Election of Management Committee Members Resolution to dis-apply the requirement to undertake a full professional audit Discussion 2
Year on Year sales comparison 3
Steady income but cleverer buying => increased surplus and margins 3. Accounts for year ended 31st July 2015 Profit and Loss Account – Sales / COS Year to Jul ‘15 Jul '14 % Change Income £169,251 Cost of Sales £135,389 Gross Profit Gross Margin (%Gross Surplus/Income) £33,862 20.0% £166,124 £134,319 £31,805 19.1% - 0.8% 6.5% Steady income but cleverer buying => increased surplus and margins 4 4
3. Accounts for year ended 31st July 2015 Profit and Loss Account - Expenses Year to Jul '15 Jul ‘14 % Change Main Operating Costs Bank & Card Charges 1,908 1,933 Depreciation 4,629 4,712 NB Non-cash Electricity & Gas 4,744 3,591 EPOS 567 Insurance 569 544 Rent 11,100 10,903 Salaries 2,515 2,477 Shop Expenses 1,135 699 Telephone & Broadband 640 604 All Other Costs 1,322 1,720 Total Operating Costs 29,127 27,750 +5.0% 5 5
3 .Accounts for year ended 31st July 2015 Operating Surplus & Donations Year to Jul '15 Jul '14 Gross Surplus Operating Costs Interest Earned 33,862 (29,127) 34 31,805 (27,750) 29 Operating Surplus 4,769 4,084 Donations 6,200 40 Net Surplus for the Year before tax (1,431) 4,044 Taxation - Net Surplus for the Year after tax -£1,431 £4,044 6 6
3. Accounts for year ended 31st July 2015 Balance Sheet as at 31st July 2015 - Assets Change £ % Fixed Assets Furniture & Equipment - 5 yrs 11,667 1,275 Lease Improvements 3,394 17,499 15,061 18,774 -19.8% Current Assets Newspaper Vouchers 222 219 Prepaid Rent 633 Refurbishment Deposit 3,200 Stock 6,226 Undeposited Funds (1,193) Bank Account 20,715 15,852 Cash/Till 416 150 30,219 26,280 +15% TOTAL ASSETS 45,632 45,054 +1.2% 7 7
3. Accounts for year ended 31st July 2015 Balance Sheet - Liabilities & Net Assets % Change £ Current Liabilities Corporation Tax - Trade Creditors VAT Liability 84 315 VAT Suspense (46) 38 NET CURRENT ASSETS 30,182 25,965 +16.2% NET ASSETS 45,243 45,570 Capital and Reserves Grants 27,701 Retained Earnings 11,569 6,427 Revaluation Reserve 7,000 Shares 404 398 Profit for the Year (1,431) 4,044 SHAREHOLDER FUNDS £45,243 £45,570 8 8
Making a real difference to our community 3. Accounts for year ended 31st July 2015 (Inc 2014 grants held over) ORGANISATION DONATION 1st St. Mary’s Scouts – various camping equipment £1,000 Almondsbury Parish Hall – updating toilet facilities + disabled access North Bristol Juniors RFC – improving catering facilities £600 Almondsbury Cricket club – outdoor facilities & cricket nets Almondsbury Youth/Senior Football Club – safety netting Almondsbury Village Events – commercial gazebos for outdoor events £500 Almondsbury Banner Ladies – 2 free standing banner stands £200 YKnot Scouts Almondsbury Village Events – Band for Village Fete 2016 Almondsbury PCC – Railings round church WW1 celebrations £100 TOTAL £6,100 + vouchers for new residents, raffle prizes, Wifi in OSH and charity donations from our loose change collections! Making a real difference to our community 9
Thank you for your continuing support and ...
Our Object or Purpose “.... to supplement existing and establish new services (and activities) which enhance the vitality and well being of the local community through increased social interaction, volunteering and philanthropic local donation of funds raised” - General enough to incorporate other community services in the future - Focuses on the desired outcomes rather than means Clearly indicates charitable intent should tax laws change Copies of our Articles of Association are available from Angela